Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Time of Renewal


I want to start this new day with you by explaining a little bit about this "Journey" that you have joined me on.  As I said earlier I have had three brain surgeries in the past 9 years.  Each one of these surgeries brought new obstacles for me regarding my faith.  Obstacles such as dissapointment in God for letting this happen to me and my family, discouragement that I was not handling this time in my life very well, and a lack of faith that my God would cause one of His children to experience an attack of lifelong pain.  Needless to say these obstacles changed my prayer life or, perhaps, my prayer language.  I spent a lot of time cursing God and letting Him have it everytime I approached th throne of grace.

To be able to deal with these obstacles I decided to journal my thoughts, feelings, and attitudes each day in hopes of recognizing my my life journey with God post surgery!.  These blogs are a way of doing just that!  I pray that a blessing and a time of renewal would fill the hearts of whomever (or is it whomever?) might read, or write, these words.

This is not an excercie in grammar so expect the occasional dangling participle, sentence fragment, and verb disagreeing with the noun type of thing!  Mainly, the thoughts I share with the world that is the internet are for my sake.  Expressing, through words, what I have experienced over the past decade brings me closer to God.  If it helps you to come closer as well then I am excited for you. 

Well enough of the background it is time for me to tell you a story about a husband, a wife, two kids, numerous relatives, and a body of Christ that was challenged to live a life of faithfulness through a time of sadness, pain, and unexpected blessings.  This is my story and this is my first step on my journey home!

Blessings and I will see you tomorrow!


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