Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Big Question


In my last blog I told you that I would be taking us through the book Andy Andrews entitled The Final Summit.  For those of you who are Andy Andrews fan will recognize that this book picks up with the main character, David Ponder, who is now in his seventies.  In the book The Traveler's Gift David Ponder is moved through the past so that he can meet seven different historical figures who gives him an important life lessons.  These are called the "Seven Decision".  Now, he finds himself at the age of seventy-four having loss his wife to cancer and a hermit in an immense skyscraper that his company has built.

At the beginning of our story David finds himself reliving his journeys in the past and in the grips of depression over the loss of his wife.  It is at this point the archangel Gabriel pays a visit to David.  Having met Gabriel in the The Traveler's Gift David is not as stunned as you might think a person meeting an archangel might be.  It is at this time that Gabriel informs David that God has lost hope in the world and plans on "starting over" much like He did with Noah's flood.  Gabriel informs David that he will be leading a summit meeting with other traveler's throughout time.  David, who does not believe that he has the ability to lead a summit of great minds and thinkers, tries to convince Gabriel that he is not the man for the job.  Unchanged in his decision Gabriel transports David to a room that sits just outside the throne of Grace in heaven.

It is at this moment that David is informed that a summit of traveler's in the past will join him and that there job is to restore God's hope in humanity.  A question is provided to David and he, and five other traveler's, must answer the following question:  “What does humanity need to do, individually and collectively, to restore itself to the pathway toward successful civilization?”  The question seems straight forward to David until Gabriel tells him that there is a time limit, he can only have direct help from five other travelers, and the answer is only two words long.  What follows is an intense discussion between David and the other travelers which I will introduce to you in the days to follow. 

It is my prayer that as we make our way through the book we will learn life lessons that can be applied in our lives everyday.  It is almost my hope that, as we seek to answer the questions ourselves, that the wisdom from travelers in the past would guide us towards knowledge and wisdom.

So,  “What does humanity need to do, individually and collectively, to restore itself to the pathway toward successful civilization?”  This is our quest over the next few months.  I think that you will find that the answer is quite simple yet difficult to do.  So, let us begin our journey and join the travelers of the past as we gather together at The Final Summit!



Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Final Summit


For any of you who have been following my journey for any length of time know that I am an Andy Andrews fan.  His books have changed my life in so many ways.  I have also used this blog to share some of his ideas and books with you.  I would like to do that once more.

So, over the summer our journey home is going to take us through Andy's Andrews book "The Final Summit".  If you have read the book, wonderful!.  If you haven't that's OK too!  Beginning tomorrow we will begin to share in the challenge that a group of historical have been given -  to come up with the answer to this question:

"What should humanity do, individually and collectively, in order to restore itself to the pathway toward successful civilization?"

There you have it!  That is the question that our hero, David Ponder, must answer.  He is aided by some of our most notable and historic individuals.  Oh yes, and there is one catch-  The answer to the question is only two words.  This summit of historci figures hav a finite amount of time to answer before God destroys humanity.  The stakes are high!

I hope you will join us, beginninf tomorrow as we work our way through Andy's latest work.  I loved it and I am hoping that you will benefit from it as much as I have.  So, I will here tomorrow.  I hope you will as well.

Until Then,


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Remembering What I Have Learned


     You will, no doubt, notice the gap between posts.  I have been struggling with my health issues and have not had the heart to update you as much as I would like.  Once again the consequences of brain surgery have crept back into my life.  Not that they had really disappeared it's just they have become more persistent and more powerful.  I have to admit that losing 60% of my vision, 75% of my hearing, blackouts that find me on the floor, a continuous heart rate of 110 bpm, and pain that, sometimes, takes me to my knees, has gotten my spirits in the toilet.  My ego has been bruised and my self-loathing has kicked in.  What's the matter with me?  Well, I think I know!
     One of the great thing about this blog is that I have the opportunity to whine to anyone and everyone who might come across this site.  Some of you I know and some of you I don't.  But in the midst of whining I have also gone back and read some of my earlier blogs.  Some helped and some didn't.  However, I was blessed with the chance to remember what I learned.  I hope these  10 ideas will help you as you journey through life's struggles.

     Since my brain surgeries I have learned that:
1)  Things always get worse before they get better (that's OK because perseverance builds character)
2)  It' OK to cry a little, or a lot  (it always seems to make me feel better)
3)  Pain is good! (it reminds me that I am not dead!)
4)  It is impossible to go through life's struggles alone (family and friends are sometimes the best medicine)
5)  Giving things up is hard (but sometimes you just have to do it)
6)  God is never as far away as it seems (He is usually closer than you think)
7)  Life isn't hard it's just life (but sometimes life is better than other times!)
8)  Insurance companies are of the DEVIL! (no explanation needed!)
9)  What is on the other side of mountain is not important- the journey you take to get there is!
10)  Finally, I have learned that peace can be found, healing can be attained, and suffering can be comforted  if we can only start the journey towards God!

     Throughout my years of health related challenges I have found all ten of those thoughts to be, absolutely true.  It would only stand to reason that if they were true yesterday they must be true today.  I should listen to myself more of often!
     My prayer for you this day is that you would persevere.  That each one of you would look at your situation in life, whatever that may be, and be encouraged that change comes, that God is real, and that He cares about each one of us.  It may seem like, at times, that He has abandoned you.  I know that feeling, and yet when looking back, I also know that my God was with me every step of the way.  So, as I begin a new journey filled with neurologists, neurosurgeons, emergency rooms, family doctors,  and medical bills that fill my mailbox everyday, I stop for a moment to take stock in what has been gained and lost.  I stop to remember what I learned from the past and apply it to my future.  I am a person of action, I have been put on this earth to do something and that is what I am going to do.  No longer will I set back and let my health dictate who I am.  I will meet this new challenge with heart and determination.  I will make good and wise choices!
     So, off we go into another challenge!  A challenge that I have no intention of losing!  May God bless you this day as you seek His comfort and peace!

