Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Search Continues...


     For the past week Christine and I have been at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ.  We have come here to try and find some answers concerning my current health problems.  Over this week I have been stuck, prodded, photographed, tapped, and electrocuted, all for one find the truth.  Diagnosing my health problem has become just that...a problem.  My life has turned into an episode of House!  For those of you familiar with the show can i think you can sympathize with me!  But hope springs eternal!   Christine and I have searched for answers for years and it seems, this week, we may have found some.
     On Thursday I had a spinal tap and the results of that test showed that the pressure in my spinal column and brain was abnormally high.  This has been the first time any of my doctors, whether it be opthamalogist, neurologist, or neurosurgeon, have mentioned it or even thought to prescribe this test.  For years we have been saying, "It feels like my head is going to blow off!" "I can't stand the pressure!"  But it's just now that anybody has thought to actually see if there is a problem with PRESSURE!
     This has been an extraordinarily long, painful, and exhausting week.  But I am glad that we are on the road to a possible course of treatment that will give me back a portion of my life.  I still have tests to do on Monday so the ordeal has not yet ended.  I pray that our last visit with my neurologist will be productive, constructive, and helpful.  The Mayo Clinic is the best medical facility in the world in my opinion, but I am ready to go home and start living again.  Will I be healed of the pain I endure each day?  I don't know.  Will I ever have to see another doctor?  I'm sure I will.  But do I think that my week at the Mayo Clinic could change my life?  It already has!
     Look to my blog next week as I will be giving a final report on my trip to Phoenix.  This week has been a bumpy road on my journey home but I wouldn't change a thing about it.  If you are a pray-er keep us in them.  If you are not now is a good time to start!

God bless all of you that share my journey home!




  1. This kind of post always improve my spirit in getting more subscriber. Good one

  2. As i pray for your healing, may i be blessed with mine.
