Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good Morning!

 Good Morning,

If you don't remember me I am the guy who is writing about his life's journey! I understand if my name is kind of fuzzy in your brain. It seems like forever since I have posted a blog. Actually, it's only been a week but that seems like a long time for me. As I sit at my computer I wonder if anyone has noticed that I haven't written anything in a while. I am sure that mom and dad have noticed. They notice everything and I love them for that! I am sure my sister has noticed because she is the third person who I know reads my blog. But, I wonder how many other people missed my blog. I wonder if anyone else cared that there wasn't anything else new to read?

I guess the real reason I haven't written anything lately is that I just kind of ran out of words. I didn't have anything else to say. I wish I did, but the truth is I didn't. Until this morning! I woke up this morning and I had this overwhelming attraction to the computer and to this blogspot. Actually, I woke up this morning and I wanted, no needed, to talk to you!

On my journey home I have found out one solid piece of truth in my life, follow your dreams! I am not talking about your hopes and goals of a better life. I am talking about listening to and being sensitive to what I dream about. I think that dreams are important and, for me, they have become an important part of my life since my brain surgery. To make a short story even longer I had a dream last night and I want to share it with you.

Last night I dreamt about people! That's right, just a lot of people! The truth is I didn't know any of these people but there sure were a lot of them. One of the people came up to me and I noticed that he was very sad and worried. Upon noticing him I suddenly realized that all of the people were sad and worried. The man came up to me and told me that my words were important to people and that I needed to share them with other people. I awoke from this dream with a deep sense of sadness. Yet, I felt that I had experienced something wonderful, something meaning ful. I felt like I had experienced...purpose.

Let's admit it everyone wants to be and feel needed. This blog started out as a way for me to journal my thoughts, feelings, and experiences as I traveled my road of life back to my journey home. Then, it turned into something else. After a while it turned into a place that people actually come and read the words that I have written. Suddenly I realized that there were more people coming to my site besides my family. I began to feel responsible to them and that made my journey home change.

First of all, I love sharing my ideas with people. Anyone who knows me knows that I have no problem sharing my beliefs with other people at any time, in any place. Second of all, I hate to write! That's right, I hate writing. The truth is, I hate formal writing where every comma has to be in the right place and every verb has to agree with every noun, participles, adverb, fragments...blah,blah, blah! I hate it! What I do love is talking to you. My dream encouraged me to think about, it's hard for me to say but I will, my readers.

So, I want you know that I appreciate all of you stopping in to check out my blog. I hope you find hope. I hope you laugh a little a little, cry a little, and learn something little about me and about life itself!

My journey home has many twists and turns, dead ends, and even some cul-de-sacs. But it's a great story and I am glad that I have the opportunity to share it with you. So, I am back. I am refreshed and renewed. There will still be times when I run out words so be patient with me and know that I even though I am not writing to you I am thinking of you. Your dedication to this simple blog amazes me and challenges me to be a person of hope and of encouragement. So, thank you. I hope that you have missed my words as much as I have missed writing them.

The only thing that I would encourage you to do more of is to comment on my posts. You can do that by clicking the comments bar after the post. Let me know who is following me. I can never tell who is following I can only see the number of people who come to this site. I would love to know!

So, until I post again I love all of you even though I may not know all of you. I pray for all of you because God does know all of you! I thank you for making this blog mean something more to me! I pray I won't let any of you down!




  1. Deke,
    Yes, we have noticed that you have not written for awhile. Everyday Daddy says, "did Deke write today"? Even Jack Hart noticed that you have not written. So you see, there are other people who read your blog, not just Debra, Daddy and I. So keep up the good work and we love to read what you write! Love you Son,

  2. D, Of course I noticed! But considereing my last hiatus who would I be to get on your case about not writing in your blog??? haha seriously though, I look forward to reading your blog, I find your journey inspiring and it has made me think more about my own. I will deffinately try to comment more often :) So keep up the good work Big D.
    Wishing you well,


  3. I was going to write some nice things in here about you, but after "dogging" me @ church about turning 45 AND being my "much younger" brother, I have second thoughts...............wait.........okay, I'll write nice things now! You have found great favor from God. How could you not, with all that has happened? You may not like to write, but we like to hear you speak. You've always had that beautiful ability to make people "see" your words, your message.....following me on this? I've never been the type of person to be swayed by "pretty talk". Don't come whispering in my ear if you're not gonna back up everything you're saying. We see your words as obtainable goals......we see your message as the One True Way. We don't have to push through any fancy packaging, or empty promises to get to it. Now, I know you're sitting there reading this saying, Don't give me the credit, it's His message, it's His words". You would be right, but God's no dummy, he's showing us that if this diligent Shepherd, who has pain, who has doubts, who has been to see death; can STILL turn his face to His Loving God...what the heck are WE waiting for? I guess I might not mind God whispering a little "pretty talk" in my ear from time to time.....cause I know he backs up every word he says! You, my "younger" Brother, have yet to realize your full's get ready! Love ya little brother, Sis

  4. @ Deb lol I forgot about the "much younger" brother stuff. look at the bright side, he gives the broncos (I refuse to capitalize broncos) a MUCH harder time than you ;) And if it helps, I thought Derrick was older. See you Sunday


  5. Okay, so...I may be the only non-family-member commenter so far. By context I'm guessing Mommy and Debra are family. Not sure about Harry. I'll leave a comment here just to let you know I stopped by to read today. But I really stopped by to leave a comment on your January 2 post about writing your book. I think I'll pop over there now and write that comment.

    Don't know if you'll remember me, Derek. It has been a very long time since we've seen each other!
