Saturday, September 4, 2010

Think Before You Speak


There was a great quote by Mark Twain in which he said, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". I think it is very appropriate for today's blog. It has been quite some time since I have shared my thoughts regarding My Journey Home. The reasons for the absence from this page are many. One, after returning from the senior high mission trip I found myself more tired, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually, than I have been in a long time. Second, it felt as if, when I sat down to write, I had no word to place upon the page. And, finally, I thought that it might be good form for me to step back, for a moment, and collect my thoughts. This process finds me absent from this blog for over a month. However, as Twain quipped, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". So, today I find myself, once again, at the keyboard pounding out my thoughts and feelings and sharing them with you.
     As I thought about what I might share with you today I found myself being pulled in a very specific direction. For the past few months I have found God speaking to me and encouraging me to speak about a very specific subject. That subject would be this nation and how we are calling ourselves to respond to God's presence in regard to that nation. Ever since I created this blog I have told myself that I would not use it as a pulpit of my political beliefs. And I am not going to start today. However, to speak of the direction that our nation is headed is inextricably linked to politics. What this blog will not be about is Republicans vs. Democrats, red states and blue states, the President of the United States, or the congress that makes our laws. What it will be about is how we, as a people, respond to ideals of a Christian nation. I am very aware that those words stir up many powerful feelings both from those who would believe that we are nation that was founded upon the principles of God and those do would not. I am also aware that writing a blog that encompasses all of my thoughts and feelings regarding this subject would be way to long and difficult to digest. It is with this thought in mind that I am planning to break my entries into different headings.
     I hope and pray that each one of you who find yourself reading this blog will take my submissions as an opportunity to engage in discussion. For those of you who have never utilized the comment section of these entries are encouraged to do so. You will find this tool at the end of each blog. Please, use this comment section to share your responses to what I write. I am asking that, if you do comment, that they be written with the goal of sharing ideas and not be posted with the aim of placing blame. Also, I do ask that no comment contain language that would not be suitable for my second grade nephew!
     So, as these writings go forth it is my sincere hope that the God who created this nation would once again be spoke of in the words spoken by this nation. It is my hope, but not my goal, to engage in discussions that build us up and not tear us down. Today it seems as if no one can make a point about another's beliefs or ideals without first tear that other individual down. We are living in a time where true ideas cannot be shared, less listened to, without first placing blame or excuse. Our country is in dire need of discussion not destruction. I want that to be true of our discussions.
     Please, do not take what I say and immediately believe. Furthermore, do not take what I say and immediately cast it aside as just another rant by a conservative Christian. We cannot hope nor dream to attain tolerance without true and just discussion. And that is where my next blog will pick up....tolerance. It is a word that haunts me in its meaning.

So, until next time please be watching for my blog on tolerance!



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