I had a number of comments regarding my tolerance blog. They weren't through the comments box but I heard them. Some were good and some were bad. Either way I am glad that people read it. I pray that further discussion will be fueled by my upcoming blogs.
As I said before I feel God is calling me to speak about issues that invade our homes though the television, Internet, smart phone, or whatever new gadget we are using this day. I began with tolerance because I truly believe that is the number one attack that we overlook in our Christian lives. As this world grows crazier and crazier we, as Christians, must ensure that God's truth is guiding our lives. Again, I don't believe that this nation of ours in under attack because of who sits in the oval office or holds a seat in the Senate or House. Our nation is failing because we are failing God. And in this blog I want to share with you another reason that our nation is failing God.....because we, as the body of Christ, are part of the problem.
You see, we can't just sit around and blame all of our problems on the government. I, truly, believe that we, as a nation, has tipped the pyramid chain of command on top of itself. It used to be that God was on the top of the pyramid, then family, then church, then school, then town, then state, then the federal government. It used to be that if you needed help you didn't go to the government. You did,'t need to because your church, your, and you community was there to help. That isn't the case in today's world. We, as the body of Christ, have set back on our Bibles and let the federal government try and do that which we should be doing. The church is not for hiding in and hoping that all of the bad stuff in our country will just go away. We are not supposed to be people that hide from our responsibilities. But, I am afraid, that is exactly what we have done.
Glenn Beck (whether you like him or not) made a great point at his Restoring Honor rally. He said that it was time for the black robed regimen to assume its rightful place in our society. I agree with Him. I think that churches have been so overwhelmed with trying to get its own house in order that we forgot what we are really called to do. No matter where you look you see denominations fighting about homosexual this or conservative/liberal that. We, as a body of Christ, have let the federal government create policy regarding the very people that Christ has called us to serve. The needy, the poor, the widow can no longer find relief from the church because the church is to be bust just to survive. They now find relief through government assistance. Now, before you go nutty, this is not about government programs! This is about we, as a church, falling asleep at the switch! When will begin to look at our neighbors and our community and seek to serve them? When will the churches of America stop fighting about the virgin birth, the divinity of Christ, or the final sequence of the tribulation?
The church of today is so busy trying to figure out when Jesus is coming back that we forget what He told us to do until He comes back. We must begin to take back the responsibility that is our cross to carry. People are hurting in this nation and the church is watching it happen. When will congregations begin to assume the role of servant? I believe we must start today. That is why I am going to be asking my session to begin to visioneer ways in which our ministries can not only serve our congregation but others in the community as well. I believe in the black robed regimen. I believe that pastors and church leaders, lay people and volunteers, must begin to stand together and tell our nation that we are back and we intend to help. No longer will we hide behind our stain glass and pray that God heals our land. We must begin to go into our communities and show people how God works through His people to heal our land. Don't get me wrong government assistance is needed. Those programs help millions. I just believe that the chain of command pyramid be, once again, turned upright. God needs to be at the top and the not the bottom. People need to know that churches are here to help. We must stop being a part of the problem and begin to be a part of the God's solution.
God wants us to be people who help and serve and love and show mercy. he wants us to be on the front lines of disasters. We are always so eager to he help when tragedy strikes but when that tragedy has ended we have a tendency to believe that our service ends as well. If you are one of those people let me say this....our nation is in trouble, it's a disaster and it needs God's people to help it through these times. May we be those people. May God bless and may He use His people to bless this nation!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
At some point in your life you have to take a stand. In my last blog I informed you that I would begin sharing a number of different beliefs that I hold dear. These are ideas that I believe God has called me to share. These ideas aren't meant to spark a political debate, although they might. Rather, these ideas are meant to inform you, the reader, of where I stand on certain issues regarding the spiritual health of our country and our world. The words that are written pertain to my beliefs not someone else's. They were given to me for the purpose of my growth and my obedience to God.
The last time we came together on this site I informed you that I would be writing on a number of different topics. Today, I want to share with you my thoughts regarding tolerance and how it is affecting our country. The dictionary has a number of different definitions for the word tolerance, however I wanted to share one specific one with you. Webster's dictionary provides this definition for the word tolerance; "acceptance of different views: the acceptance of the differing views of other people, e.g. in religious or political matters, and fairness toward the people who hold these different views". Granted, there are other definitions and I could be accused of picking the one definition that supports the assumption that I am going to make and that accusation could be true. However, the previous definition is provided for our chosen word and, therefore, a legitimate definition.
If we are to use the before mentioned definition of tolerance then we must define a word that is provided within that definition and that word is acceptance. Again, one of the provided definitions for the word acceptance is as follows; "willingness to believe: willingness to believe that something is true". Granted, there are, once again, other definitions given but this is the one I have chosen. I have chosen each one of these definitions for a very specific reason. I believe that these two words and these two definitions have become the understood truths of society today. Let me explain.
In our society today, whether it be from the left, the right, from media, or the printed page, we are being bombarded with the call to tolerance. Whether it be in regards to religion, politics, or social mores, we are being told that we must be tolerant...and I have no problem with that. My problem is that we are being told to be tolerant as defined by the definitions that were given above. Our society today is telling us that we not only have to be accepting of different viewpoints but that we also have to believe them as well. If this is the case then we would not only have to believe our own convictions are true but that someone else's viewpoints are true as well. You can see the idiocy of that statement. Yet, society is calling us to believe that everyone is correct! That might be silly if it weren't so true!
I am sure you can see the giant flaw in that which society is proposing. Yep, you got it! If everyone belief's are true and those beliefs differ in even the slightest then we are being asked to believe that there is no real truth! If I believe that I have the truth and Joe Schmo has different beliefs then how is possible for him to have the truth as well! Society is calling us to believe that there is no one truth and I have to differ and say, "You are WRONG". Real truth is static. By that I mean that real truth doesn't change based on the seasons. What is truth in summer is still the truth in winter. Truth is truth whether you believe it or not. Andy Andrews has a great line that he uses when speaking about truth. " You may be a person that has no idea what gravity is yet if you step off of a 45 foot cliff gravity is gonna get you! You see, gravity is real and works and affects you whether you know of it or believe in it at all!"
Our country today is being taught that truth is whatever you decide it is. And not only are we being taught that idea but we are also being encouraged to believe that other truth as well. How can two competing truths be both true? The answer is, they can't. I am sick and tired of being told that I must take my deeply held beliefs and compromise them in the name of tolerance. Do I believe that I should love all people? Yes I do, scripture calls me to that challenge. Do I believe that whether you are Muslim or Christian, Jew or Gentile, gay or straight, man or women, that I should be open to sharing mercy and compassion to you? Absolutely, my God expects no less. But do I believe that I must cast aside what scripture tells me and take on society's mantra of "everybody is right"? The the answer is most definitely no! I will not compromise the word of God for the word of man. I will call not call right what scripture calls wrong. I will not believe that something is good if it is evil. I will not be "tolerant" if two competing truths collide. How can I be? How can anyone be?
Pelosi hates Boehner, Obermman hates Beck, and all republicans hate Bill Maher! It's insane!
So, the real question is what does tolerance mean to me and to you? How do we live out our daily lives with tolerance. I believe that the answer to that rests within the pages of scripture. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you? But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). Simply put we, as Christians, are to love all people, whether we believe in their individual beliefs or not. We are called to be kind to all people, republican or democrat. And, finally, we are called to walk with God. What does that mean? I believe it means that we are to secure ourselves with the life giving message of God through Jesus Christ. I believe that it means that I know what I believe and share that belief with everyone I meet. It doesn't mean that I kill you if you don't believe what I do! It doesn't mean that I belittle you if your truth is not mine! It doesn't mean that republican equals good and democrat equals bad! It means I have tolerance for all things but belief in one thing..and that one thing is God. It is there where I will not compromise! I will not be convinced by anyone that I must believe all things in the name of tolerance. I do not believe that God wants that, encourages,that, or teaches that!
I am not a hater. I believe myself to be a very loving and accepting person. However, if my journey home has taught me anything it has taught me that bad things happen when I stray from God's Word. Our country is dying. It's not dying because of debt but that is something we need to correct. It's not dying because Mr. Obama is our president. Our country is dying because we have decided that we no longer needed God. Somewhere along the way we decided that whatever you believed to be true was true. I am sad for us as a nation. That great idea of the United States of America has ransomed its soul. Man's truth trumped God's truth and God was watching! So, in the distorted name of tolerance we move ever closer to our demise. May God have mercy on our nation's soul.
Until next time!
At some point in your life you have to take a stand. In my last blog I informed you that I would begin sharing a number of different beliefs that I hold dear. These are ideas that I believe God has called me to share. These ideas aren't meant to spark a political debate, although they might. Rather, these ideas are meant to inform you, the reader, of where I stand on certain issues regarding the spiritual health of our country and our world. The words that are written pertain to my beliefs not someone else's. They were given to me for the purpose of my growth and my obedience to God.
The last time we came together on this site I informed you that I would be writing on a number of different topics. Today, I want to share with you my thoughts regarding tolerance and how it is affecting our country. The dictionary has a number of different definitions for the word tolerance, however I wanted to share one specific one with you. Webster's dictionary provides this definition for the word tolerance; "acceptance of different views: the acceptance of the differing views of other people, e.g. in religious or political matters, and fairness toward the people who hold these different views". Granted, there are other definitions and I could be accused of picking the one definition that supports the assumption that I am going to make and that accusation could be true. However, the previous definition is provided for our chosen word and, therefore, a legitimate definition.
If we are to use the before mentioned definition of tolerance then we must define a word that is provided within that definition and that word is acceptance. Again, one of the provided definitions for the word acceptance is as follows; "willingness to believe: willingness to believe that something is true". Granted, there are, once again, other definitions given but this is the one I have chosen. I have chosen each one of these definitions for a very specific reason. I believe that these two words and these two definitions have become the understood truths of society today. Let me explain.
In our society today, whether it be from the left, the right, from media, or the printed page, we are being bombarded with the call to tolerance. Whether it be in regards to religion, politics, or social mores, we are being told that we must be tolerant...and I have no problem with that. My problem is that we are being told to be tolerant as defined by the definitions that were given above. Our society today is telling us that we not only have to be accepting of different viewpoints but that we also have to believe them as well. If this is the case then we would not only have to believe our own convictions are true but that someone else's viewpoints are true as well. You can see the idiocy of that statement. Yet, society is calling us to believe that everyone is correct! That might be silly if it weren't so true!
I am sure you can see the giant flaw in that which society is proposing. Yep, you got it! If everyone belief's are true and those beliefs differ in even the slightest then we are being asked to believe that there is no real truth! If I believe that I have the truth and Joe Schmo has different beliefs then how is possible for him to have the truth as well! Society is calling us to believe that there is no one truth and I have to differ and say, "You are WRONG". Real truth is static. By that I mean that real truth doesn't change based on the seasons. What is truth in summer is still the truth in winter. Truth is truth whether you believe it or not. Andy Andrews has a great line that he uses when speaking about truth. " You may be a person that has no idea what gravity is yet if you step off of a 45 foot cliff gravity is gonna get you! You see, gravity is real and works and affects you whether you know of it or believe in it at all!"
Our country today is being taught that truth is whatever you decide it is. And not only are we being taught that idea but we are also being encouraged to believe that other truth as well. How can two competing truths be both true? The answer is, they can't. I am sick and tired of being told that I must take my deeply held beliefs and compromise them in the name of tolerance. Do I believe that I should love all people? Yes I do, scripture calls me to that challenge. Do I believe that whether you are Muslim or Christian, Jew or Gentile, gay or straight, man or women, that I should be open to sharing mercy and compassion to you? Absolutely, my God expects no less. But do I believe that I must cast aside what scripture tells me and take on society's mantra of "everybody is right"? The the answer is most definitely no! I will not compromise the word of God for the word of man. I will call not call right what scripture calls wrong. I will not believe that something is good if it is evil. I will not be "tolerant" if two competing truths collide. How can I be? How can anyone be?
Pelosi hates Boehner, Obermman hates Beck, and all republicans hate Bill Maher! It's insane!
So, the real question is what does tolerance mean to me and to you? How do we live out our daily lives with tolerance. I believe that the answer to that rests within the pages of scripture. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you? But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). Simply put we, as Christians, are to love all people, whether we believe in their individual beliefs or not. We are called to be kind to all people, republican or democrat. And, finally, we are called to walk with God. What does that mean? I believe it means that we are to secure ourselves with the life giving message of God through Jesus Christ. I believe that it means that I know what I believe and share that belief with everyone I meet. It doesn't mean that I kill you if you don't believe what I do! It doesn't mean that I belittle you if your truth is not mine! It doesn't mean that republican equals good and democrat equals bad! It means I have tolerance for all things but belief in one thing..and that one thing is God. It is there where I will not compromise! I will not be convinced by anyone that I must believe all things in the name of tolerance. I do not believe that God wants that, encourages,that, or teaches that!
I am not a hater. I believe myself to be a very loving and accepting person. However, if my journey home has taught me anything it has taught me that bad things happen when I stray from God's Word. Our country is dying. It's not dying because of debt but that is something we need to correct. It's not dying because Mr. Obama is our president. Our country is dying because we have decided that we no longer needed God. Somewhere along the way we decided that whatever you believed to be true was true. I am sad for us as a nation. That great idea of the United States of America has ransomed its soul. Man's truth trumped God's truth and God was watching! So, in the distorted name of tolerance we move ever closer to our demise. May God have mercy on our nation's soul.
Until next time!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Think Before You Speak
There was a great quote by Mark Twain in which he said, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". I think it is very appropriate for today's blog. It has been quite some time since I have shared my thoughts regarding My Journey Home. The reasons for the absence from this page are many. One, after returning from the senior high mission trip I found myself more tired, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually, than I have been in a long time. Second, it felt as if, when I sat down to write, I had no word to place upon the page. And, finally, I thought that it might be good form for me to step back, for a moment, and collect my thoughts. This process finds me absent from this blog for over a month. However, as Twain quipped, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". So, today I find myself, once again, at the keyboard pounding out my thoughts and feelings and sharing them with you.
As I thought about what I might share with you today I found myself being pulled in a very specific direction. For the past few months I have found God speaking to me and encouraging me to speak about a very specific subject. That subject would be this nation and how we are calling ourselves to respond to God's presence in regard to that nation. Ever since I created this blog I have told myself that I would not use it as a pulpit of my political beliefs. And I am not going to start today. However, to speak of the direction that our nation is headed is inextricably linked to politics. What this blog will not be about is Republicans vs. Democrats, red states and blue states, the President of the United States, or the congress that makes our laws. What it will be about is how we, as a people, respond to ideals of a Christian nation. I am very aware that those words stir up many powerful feelings both from those who would believe that we are nation that was founded upon the principles of God and those do would not. I am also aware that writing a blog that encompasses all of my thoughts and feelings regarding this subject would be way to long and difficult to digest. It is with this thought in mind that I am planning to break my entries into different headings.
I hope and pray that each one of you who find yourself reading this blog will take my submissions as an opportunity to engage in discussion. For those of you who have never utilized the comment section of these entries are encouraged to do so. You will find this tool at the end of each blog. Please, use this comment section to share your responses to what I write. I am asking that, if you do comment, that they be written with the goal of sharing ideas and not be posted with the aim of placing blame. Also, I do ask that no comment contain language that would not be suitable for my second grade nephew!
So, as these writings go forth it is my sincere hope that the God who created this nation would once again be spoke of in the words spoken by this nation. It is my hope, but not my goal, to engage in discussions that build us up and not tear us down. Today it seems as if no one can make a point about another's beliefs or ideals without first tear that other individual down. We are living in a time where true ideas cannot be shared, less listened to, without first placing blame or excuse. Our country is in dire need of discussion not destruction. I want that to be true of our discussions.
Please, do not take what I say and immediately believe. Furthermore, do not take what I say and immediately cast it aside as just another rant by a conservative Christian. We cannot hope nor dream to attain tolerance without true and just discussion. And that is where my next blog will pick up....tolerance. It is a word that haunts me in its meaning.
So, until next time please be watching for my blog on tolerance!
There was a great quote by Mark Twain in which he said, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". I think it is very appropriate for today's blog. It has been quite some time since I have shared my thoughts regarding My Journey Home. The reasons for the absence from this page are many. One, after returning from the senior high mission trip I found myself more tired, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually, than I have been in a long time. Second, it felt as if, when I sat down to write, I had no word to place upon the page. And, finally, I thought that it might be good form for me to step back, for a moment, and collect my thoughts. This process finds me absent from this blog for over a month. However, as Twain quipped, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". So, today I find myself, once again, at the keyboard pounding out my thoughts and feelings and sharing them with you.
As I thought about what I might share with you today I found myself being pulled in a very specific direction. For the past few months I have found God speaking to me and encouraging me to speak about a very specific subject. That subject would be this nation and how we are calling ourselves to respond to God's presence in regard to that nation. Ever since I created this blog I have told myself that I would not use it as a pulpit of my political beliefs. And I am not going to start today. However, to speak of the direction that our nation is headed is inextricably linked to politics. What this blog will not be about is Republicans vs. Democrats, red states and blue states, the President of the United States, or the congress that makes our laws. What it will be about is how we, as a people, respond to ideals of a Christian nation. I am very aware that those words stir up many powerful feelings both from those who would believe that we are nation that was founded upon the principles of God and those do would not. I am also aware that writing a blog that encompasses all of my thoughts and feelings regarding this subject would be way to long and difficult to digest. It is with this thought in mind that I am planning to break my entries into different headings.
I hope and pray that each one of you who find yourself reading this blog will take my submissions as an opportunity to engage in discussion. For those of you who have never utilized the comment section of these entries are encouraged to do so. You will find this tool at the end of each blog. Please, use this comment section to share your responses to what I write. I am asking that, if you do comment, that they be written with the goal of sharing ideas and not be posted with the aim of placing blame. Also, I do ask that no comment contain language that would not be suitable for my second grade nephew!
So, as these writings go forth it is my sincere hope that the God who created this nation would once again be spoke of in the words spoken by this nation. It is my hope, but not my goal, to engage in discussions that build us up and not tear us down. Today it seems as if no one can make a point about another's beliefs or ideals without first tear that other individual down. We are living in a time where true ideas cannot be shared, less listened to, without first placing blame or excuse. Our country is in dire need of discussion not destruction. I want that to be true of our discussions.
Please, do not take what I say and immediately believe. Furthermore, do not take what I say and immediately cast it aside as just another rant by a conservative Christian. We cannot hope nor dream to attain tolerance without true and just discussion. And that is where my next blog will pick up....tolerance. It is a word that haunts me in its meaning.
So, until next time please be watching for my blog on tolerance!
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