Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Break From Reality


If you follow my blog you will notice that there has been a big gap between my last blog and this one. I want to take a moment and explain why that has been the case.

In one of my latest blogs I spoke of forgiveness. In that blog I poured out words and feelings that I have had trapped inside me for many years. In examining that blog I realized that I needed to get a grip on my forgiveness situation! So, I decided to take some time off from blogging about my journey home and work on my journey!

I have to say that is has been a wonderfully productive time! I have been studying and praying about the subject of forgiveness in a deeper and more truthful way. I went back and read scripture and writings about forgiveness (see Chapter 8 of The Traveler's Gift). In my study I was brought to my knees at the foot of the cross in anguish over this unforgiveness in my heart. I had gotten to a place where my unforgiveness had started to take a physical toll on me. I started have seizures because of the stress I would experience every time I thought of certain individuals and circumstances. It had to stop!

Through the Word of God, prayer, and help from colleagues and close friends, I have now come to a place in my life where unforgiveness no longer has a hold of my life. It has been an exhausting journey but a good one. Obviously, I have not completed my journey of forgiveness. It will continue throughout my life. However, I do feel like I have better tools to cope with any situation that might pop up from time to time. I have realized a few things regarding forgiveness and I would like to share those things with you today.

First of all, forgiveness is not for the other person it is for me. I have come to a place in my life where I have realized that unforgiveness is a stumbling block between me and God not me and someone else. If I want to have the kind of relationship with God that He wants me to have I need to remove the stumbling block of unforgiveness. My heart can't hold that burden and still be open to the will of God in my life. I forgive because I have been forgiven. I love because I am loved. I show mercy, compassion, truth, and grace, because those are the things I received from my Creator. True forgiveness is experienced in our hearts not in our words.

Secondly, I realized that the act of forgiveness can only be real in my life by the working of God's Spirit in my life! For many years now I have tried to forgive with my own strength. I would say the words and act as if those words meant what I wanted them to mean. I was wrong and I spent those years living in the trap of unholy forgiveness. Forgiveness is only real when it is backed by the love of God. Simply saying the words gets me no closer to God. I have to have the strength of God's forgiveness behind those words. The power of the forgiveness of the cross is the strength that I needed!

Finally, I realized that the forgiveness that I need to show to others is the same forgiveness that I have received from God. How arrogant I found myself to be in thinking that I could show forgiveness to whomever I deemed worthy enough to receive it. Through the cross God gave His son as a perfect sacrifice and though that sacrifice I have been forgiven. If the God of all creation can bestow forgiveness to me can't I find it in my heart and my life to show that forgiveness to others? We are called to share the gospel of Christ with others not hoard it to ourselves.

Over the past month I have taken a journey of forgiveness and I am a better person because of it. The sun seems to shine a little brighter, the air seems a little fresher, and my relationship with God is stronger because of forgiveness!

So, I want you know that I am back! My journey home is no different than yours. There are certain times when you have to stop for a moment and take stock in what you have gained and lost in your walk towards the cross. We all get off the path. I know I did. But, glory be to God, our loving Father always encourages us to stop and check the directions for our journey home!

May God bless you in your journey today and always! Amen.




  1. Deke,
    Glad you are back!!!!!!!!
    Love you

  2. Boy, isn't forgiving a hard and layered process to go through. I know that forgiveness is our ticket to freedom. We can not keep those bad relationships alive in our hearts. Sometimes I think we keep them alive in hopes that we can fix it or them and make things right - hear the "I'm sorry I was wrong" or the "I Love you". The scary part I think about is if I don't let them go how are they affecting my life now - my relationships now. Am I reliving or replaying them with other people still trying to fix it now? Life does have a habit of repeating itself. I guess the saying is right " the only one who loves much is the one who has been forgien much" as we are all sinners. Thanks for sharing your learning process with all of us!!!
