Thursday, December 24, 2009

I Will Seek Wisdom


Before we start I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

As we continue our journey through the book, The Traveler's Gift, we find David Ponder meeting his next historical figure, King Solomon.  For those of you who might not be familiar with Solomon he was a man of great wisdom.  According to the following information pertains to King Solomon:

•Born: c. 10th century B.C.

•Birthplace: ?

•Died: c. 922 B.C.

•Best Known As: Builder of the Temple of Solomon

King Solomon "excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom" according to the Bible. The son of King David and Bathsheba, Solomon (in Hebrew, Shlomo) ruled Israel from about 960 to 922 B.C. and built a magnificent temple in Jerusalem which housed the Ark of the Covenant. Solomon reportedly had hundreds of wives and concubines, including the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt. He also had a famous meeting with the Queen of Sheba who, after observing his wealth and wisdom, showered him with gifts. Solomon is historically credited with authoring the Bible's Song of Songs and book of Ecclesiastes, though many scholars believe the latter was written after his death.

Solomon's wisdom is usually recalled in a famous incident in which two women came before him with a baby, each claiming to be the mother. Solomon ordered the child be cut in half, and by observing each woman's reaction determined the true mother. You can find the history of the reign of Solomon in the Bible in II Samuel and portions of I and II Chronicles, also I Kings.

David Ponder meets King Solomon and is given the next great decision for success..."I will seek wisdom".  It is not immediately apparent how this can make an impact on David's current problems and, yet, there is a great truth in this decision in life. King Solomon says, “We, as humans, are always in a process of change. Therefore, we might as well guide the direction in which we change.”

The question would be, "How can seeking wisdom guide the direction in which we change?".  I believe that Solomon was not only very wise but also very right!  The amount of wisdom that we seek affects the decisions that we make in our lives.  Wisdom can be found all over the place.  However, we must be careful when we define wisdom that we do not always confuse it with raw intelligence.  I have known some very wise people who barely graduated from high school and some who didn't graduate at all.  I have also known some very wise people who held advanced degrees from some of the finest academic institutions this country has to offer.  Wisdom is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as: The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.

Common sense; good judgment: "It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things" (Henry David Thoreau).

You see wisdom is discerning what is true and right.  You don't always need an advanced degree for that!  I have found on my journey home that great wisdom comes from many places.  I have found it in my parents, my siblings, my friends, and most especially, my wife ( although she does hold an advanced degree.  Something that I am very proud of her for).  I have found great wisdom in the scriptures, but also in many other great books.  I have found true wisdom is the writings of Plato and in the Reader's Digest as well.

So, why is it important for us to seek wisdom if we are going to find success in life.  I believe is that it is because the more wisdom we seek the better off we will be in making good, sound, decisions.  If you are like me you find yourself wishing for more wisdom everyday.  I could use it!  On my journey home I have decided that I am going to seek wisdom.  I am going to seek it from great philosphers, from great friends, and from great parents.  However, I think I am going to take the time and go back to my Bible first.

I, truly, believe that God's word holds the greatest wisdom of all.  There are so many times that we simply rush pass the scripture we believe we already know.  We do not take the time to comprehend the great truths that God has given to us.  Most of the time the reading of scripture has become a chore, or even worse an assignment.  No more for me!  I will take time on my journey home to study the great writings and ideas that have been passed down to us from the hand of God.  I will seek wisdom.  It is my hope that you will too!

I believe that David Ponder comes to the realization that in seeking wisdom we can affect the direction or the change in our lives.  I think God wants us to know that.  I believe that God wants us to crave His word and the words of others who teach great wisdom.  King Solomon knew that and so he passes that great truth on to David Ponder.

I want to challenge you in the new year to seek wisdom.  Whether it is actively seeking out wise advice or reading writings that hold great wisdom challenge yourself to seeking wisdom.  I believe it will lead to greater success in every aspect of your life.  Especially your faith.

Next time we find David Ponder meeting a man that, perhaps, not many are aware of in history.  But I promise you you'll never forget him again.  Merry Christmas!



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