I trust that your Christmas went well and that you are now in the midst of preparing that great list of New Year's resolutions. I have been in the center of a raging chest cold and have not found the energy to make it to my laptop and write. However, seeing that it is New Year's eve, I thought I would drag my sorry hind end to my keyboard and sludge on.
I do this not so that I might feel good about myself but so that I might put into action the next great statement for success that we will be lookng at...I Am a Person of Action! David Ponder next finds himself on a Civil War battlefield in the presence of an officer named Joshua Chamberlain. I am not going to go into the specifics of his discussions as I feel that the true revelation of this encounter is best left to the reader. Suffice it to say David comes in contact with a man that is truly heroic on the battlefield.
Heroism is a funny word isn't it? I mean, we each, probably, have a different definition of the word "hero". Certainly, the brave men and women who serve our country are heroes. We met hero after hero as the stories of September 11th came out. Perhaps, paerents and friends, family and celebrities fit your description of what a hero is like and/or should be. I don't want to take this space to debate who is a hero and who is not. I want to write about David Ponder's experience with an individual who showed heroic characteristics.
On my journey home I have had had the opportunity to meet and interact with heroes. These indviduals may ot seem like heroes to you but they were and are to me. During my sugeries I found heroes in the neuro ICU. They were the nurses that so lovingly cared for me. Christine, my wife, was my hero as she encouraged me and guarded the door with a lion's heart. My mom and dad, sister, and all my family, were heroes to me and remain that to this day. My church family were my heroes as they prayed for my safe recovery. Different people doing different things, all heroes!
Yet, I had to ask myself what it was that drew me to this Civil War hero named Joshua Chamberlain. Then it hit me. It was what he shared with David Ponder. The statement that was shared on that civil war battlefield that david was taken to next brings clarity to my definition of what a true hero is. That great statement is...I Am a Perosn of Action. You see, all of these statements for success, in my opinion, would be less than they are if there was not some sort of action associated with them. I believe action is what makes a hero!
I can't help but think what my life would be like if Jesus would have just thought about wanting to give His life for me. I know that is simplistic but it's true. My salvation, and yours, is due to the fact that Christ walked that "Way of Sorrows". As He sat there in the garden and prayed that, if possible, the cup of crucifixion be taken away He had a choice. Some might say that He didn't have that choice but I believe He did. He got up from that cold, damp, earthly, garden floor and chose to fulfill the will of His Father. He chose to take action.
Joshua Chamberlain was a man of action on the battlefields of the Civil War and this is where David Ponder sees this man in action. The point that Chamberlain is trying to make is that we are responsible for the choices we make, no one else! If we want to make things happen in our lives then we need to be people of action. That is why I dragged my behind to this laptop. This article wasn't going to write itslef! Although, I am sure an article was going to be written however, if I didn't take action it wasn't going to be written by me and it wasn't going to be written today.
Some might say that is not a very good example of what Joshua Chamberlain was talking about and they would probably be right. Yet, the thrill I get from writing this blog makes the days that I write different. For me, there is joy in writing. I am sure that my day will be just a litle bit different because I decided to take action. What about you? Very few of us have the daily oportunity to charge a regiment of men and women into battle. Very few of us get to decide to rescue a baby from a burning building. Nevertheless, each one of us, each day, have the choice to take action! Whether it be the action of helping someone down on their luck or helping yourself as you are down on your luck action makes a difference.
As this new year comes upon us and we say goodbye to the old let us take this statement of success with us. Let us dedicate ourselves to action. In our daily lives, at our work, in our churches, with our faith, let action be our battle cry! Let us look at our lives, no matter how great or how lousy they are, and declare that we are people of action. Let us have the mindset that today I will take action, I will do something!
At the end of this encounter Chamberlain hands David Ponder an old tobacco pouch in which David will keep the statements of success. This old, worn out pouch plays an important part in our story. That is a point that I want to share with you next time. Until then, pray for my chest cold, take responsibility for you, seek wisdom daily, and strive to be a person of action!
May God bless you and your famly in this new year!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
I will get back to The Traveler's Gift tomorrow. I just wanted to say, to whomever reads this blog, have a blessed Christmas Day. Thank you for joining me on my journey home. I pray that the things we talk about here would bless others as much as I am blessed in sharing them. God Bless!
I will get back to The Traveler's Gift tomorrow. I just wanted to say, to whomever reads this blog, have a blessed Christmas Day. Thank you for joining me on my journey home. I pray that the things we talk about here would bless others as much as I am blessed in sharing them. God Bless!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I Will Seek Wisdom
Before we start I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
As we continue our journey through the book, The Traveler's Gift, we find David Ponder meeting his next historical figure, King Solomon. For those of you who might not be familiar with Solomon he was a man of great wisdom. According to the following information pertains to King Solomon:
•Born: c. 10th century B.C.
•Birthplace: ?
•Died: c. 922 B.C.
•Best Known As: Builder of the Temple of Solomon
King Solomon "excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom" according to the Bible. The son of King David and Bathsheba, Solomon (in Hebrew, Shlomo) ruled Israel from about 960 to 922 B.C. and built a magnificent temple in Jerusalem which housed the Ark of the Covenant. Solomon reportedly had hundreds of wives and concubines, including the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt. He also had a famous meeting with the Queen of Sheba who, after observing his wealth and wisdom, showered him with gifts. Solomon is historically credited with authoring the Bible's Song of Songs and book of Ecclesiastes, though many scholars believe the latter was written after his death.
Solomon's wisdom is usually recalled in a famous incident in which two women came before him with a baby, each claiming to be the mother. Solomon ordered the child be cut in half, and by observing each woman's reaction determined the true mother. You can find the history of the reign of Solomon in the Bible in II Samuel and portions of I and II Chronicles, also I Kings.
David Ponder meets King Solomon and is given the next great decision for success..."I will seek wisdom". It is not immediately apparent how this can make an impact on David's current problems and, yet, there is a great truth in this decision in life. King Solomon says, “We, as humans, are always in a process of change. Therefore, we might as well guide the direction in which we change.”
The question would be, "How can seeking wisdom guide the direction in which we change?". I believe that Solomon was not only very wise but also very right! The amount of wisdom that we seek affects the decisions that we make in our lives. Wisdom can be found all over the place. However, we must be careful when we define wisdom that we do not always confuse it with raw intelligence. I have known some very wise people who barely graduated from high school and some who didn't graduate at all. I have also known some very wise people who held advanced degrees from some of the finest academic institutions this country has to offer. Wisdom is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as: The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
Common sense; good judgment: "It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things" (Henry David Thoreau).
You see wisdom is discerning what is true and right. You don't always need an advanced degree for that! I have found on my journey home that great wisdom comes from many places. I have found it in my parents, my siblings, my friends, and most especially, my wife ( although she does hold an advanced degree. Something that I am very proud of her for). I have found great wisdom in the scriptures, but also in many other great books. I have found true wisdom is the writings of Plato and in the Reader's Digest as well.
So, why is it important for us to seek wisdom if we are going to find success in life. I believe is that it is because the more wisdom we seek the better off we will be in making good, sound, decisions. If you are like me you find yourself wishing for more wisdom everyday. I could use it! On my journey home I have decided that I am going to seek wisdom. I am going to seek it from great philosphers, from great friends, and from great parents. However, I think I am going to take the time and go back to my Bible first.
I, truly, believe that God's word holds the greatest wisdom of all. There are so many times that we simply rush pass the scripture we believe we already know. We do not take the time to comprehend the great truths that God has given to us. Most of the time the reading of scripture has become a chore, or even worse an assignment. No more for me! I will take time on my journey home to study the great writings and ideas that have been passed down to us from the hand of God. I will seek wisdom. It is my hope that you will too!
I believe that David Ponder comes to the realization that in seeking wisdom we can affect the direction or the change in our lives. I think God wants us to know that. I believe that God wants us to crave His word and the words of others who teach great wisdom. King Solomon knew that and so he passes that great truth on to David Ponder.
I want to challenge you in the new year to seek wisdom. Whether it is actively seeking out wise advice or reading writings that hold great wisdom challenge yourself to seeking wisdom. I believe it will lead to greater success in every aspect of your life. Especially your faith.
Next time we find David Ponder meeting a man that, perhaps, not many are aware of in history. But I promise you you'll never forget him again. Merry Christmas!
Before we start I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
As we continue our journey through the book, The Traveler's Gift, we find David Ponder meeting his next historical figure, King Solomon. For those of you who might not be familiar with Solomon he was a man of great wisdom. According to the following information pertains to King Solomon:
•Born: c. 10th century B.C.
•Birthplace: ?
•Died: c. 922 B.C.
•Best Known As: Builder of the Temple of Solomon
King Solomon "excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom" according to the Bible. The son of King David and Bathsheba, Solomon (in Hebrew, Shlomo) ruled Israel from about 960 to 922 B.C. and built a magnificent temple in Jerusalem which housed the Ark of the Covenant. Solomon reportedly had hundreds of wives and concubines, including the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt. He also had a famous meeting with the Queen of Sheba who, after observing his wealth and wisdom, showered him with gifts. Solomon is historically credited with authoring the Bible's Song of Songs and book of Ecclesiastes, though many scholars believe the latter was written after his death.
Solomon's wisdom is usually recalled in a famous incident in which two women came before him with a baby, each claiming to be the mother. Solomon ordered the child be cut in half, and by observing each woman's reaction determined the true mother. You can find the history of the reign of Solomon in the Bible in II Samuel and portions of I and II Chronicles, also I Kings.
David Ponder meets King Solomon and is given the next great decision for success..."I will seek wisdom". It is not immediately apparent how this can make an impact on David's current problems and, yet, there is a great truth in this decision in life. King Solomon says, “We, as humans, are always in a process of change. Therefore, we might as well guide the direction in which we change.”
The question would be, "How can seeking wisdom guide the direction in which we change?". I believe that Solomon was not only very wise but also very right! The amount of wisdom that we seek affects the decisions that we make in our lives. Wisdom can be found all over the place. However, we must be careful when we define wisdom that we do not always confuse it with raw intelligence. I have known some very wise people who barely graduated from high school and some who didn't graduate at all. I have also known some very wise people who held advanced degrees from some of the finest academic institutions this country has to offer. Wisdom is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as: The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
Common sense; good judgment: "It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things" (Henry David Thoreau).
You see wisdom is discerning what is true and right. You don't always need an advanced degree for that! I have found on my journey home that great wisdom comes from many places. I have found it in my parents, my siblings, my friends, and most especially, my wife ( although she does hold an advanced degree. Something that I am very proud of her for). I have found great wisdom in the scriptures, but also in many other great books. I have found true wisdom is the writings of Plato and in the Reader's Digest as well.
So, why is it important for us to seek wisdom if we are going to find success in life. I believe is that it is because the more wisdom we seek the better off we will be in making good, sound, decisions. If you are like me you find yourself wishing for more wisdom everyday. I could use it! On my journey home I have decided that I am going to seek wisdom. I am going to seek it from great philosphers, from great friends, and from great parents. However, I think I am going to take the time and go back to my Bible first.
I, truly, believe that God's word holds the greatest wisdom of all. There are so many times that we simply rush pass the scripture we believe we already know. We do not take the time to comprehend the great truths that God has given to us. Most of the time the reading of scripture has become a chore, or even worse an assignment. No more for me! I will take time on my journey home to study the great writings and ideas that have been passed down to us from the hand of God. I will seek wisdom. It is my hope that you will too!
I believe that David Ponder comes to the realization that in seeking wisdom we can affect the direction or the change in our lives. I think God wants us to know that. I believe that God wants us to crave His word and the words of others who teach great wisdom. King Solomon knew that and so he passes that great truth on to David Ponder.
I want to challenge you in the new year to seek wisdom. Whether it is actively seeking out wise advice or reading writings that hold great wisdom challenge yourself to seeking wisdom. I believe it will lead to greater success in every aspect of your life. Especially your faith.
Next time we find David Ponder meeting a man that, perhaps, not many are aware of in history. But I promise you you'll never forget him again. Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Buck Stops Here!
Wow! It has been a while since I have been able to sit down and actually try and type something! Between Christmas parties, senior high youth group parties, and, what seems like, worship service after worship service I have not found the time to share with you. For that I am sorry. Yet, I hope that the time between posts has given the opportunity for indivudals, who chose to, to read The Traveler's Gift.
My goal as we share with one another is for us to explore the seven statements for success found in the book. If you have not or wish not to read the book that is fine. Hopefully, I can share the idea and not ruin it for anyone who does choose to read it. We will give it our best shot.
One of the reasons I want to share this book is that I find it fantastic that this little book, which does not appear to be a religious writing at all, has found a way to instill very Christian ideals. In all fairness, I don't think that the seven statements are partuicularly Christian. I think they are statements that can guide anyone to live a life that is focused, moral, and led with a servant heart. I would like to think that God wants that very thing from me.
Another reason that I wanted to share this book with my readers is that I love history. Within the pages of the book there are historical figures, all of them real. Granted, the circumstance in which they appear in the book are fiction, well...yeah, I am sure that it is fictional. So, let's get started and see what The Traveler's Gift has for each of us on our journey home.
This little book begins with a man named David Ponder, a man who has it all. Yet, shortly after the story begins he loses it all. After falling from the heights of financial success he finds himself incapable of affording his daughter's tonsilectomy. Through desparation and depression he contemplates the insurance money that his wife would recieve upon his death. I found that very Capra-esque as we find George Bailey considering the same idea atop the bridge in Bedford Falls shortly before he meets Clarence. Of course It's a Wonderful Life teaches us never to underestimate the power of one individual peros. So does our story.
David Ponder decides to run his car into a tree. Whether on purpose or because of bad driving that is exactly what happens. As he loses conciousness he fingds himself being transported back in time and meeting famous people of history. Each time he meets someone new a new truth is given to him. The great part of the story is that these historical figures know that he is coming and they have written a truth for him.
Not giving the book it's full due yet not wanting make this a book report we fast forward to his first visit, with Harry S. Truman.
He meets Truman during the Potsdam meeting and right before Truman makes his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After figuring out what exactly was going on and listening to Truman explain the adventure he was going to be on he, Truman, gives David his first statement, The buck stops here, I am responsible for my past and my future. Not only is this an eye opener for David Ponder it was for me as well.
On my journey home there have been many opportunities for me to blame God, the world, and life in general regarding the reprocussions of three brain surgeries. Sometimes I have taken that opportunity and felt bad about it later. However, this stament flew in my face. My journey home started well before my surgeries. The decisions that I have mad as a boy and as a man were exactly that, mine! For us to come to a place in our lives where we are searching for the best path we must realize that we are responsible for the choices we make. God knew that we would stray from the path that He had originally designed for us. In His knowledge He gave His son so that we could be reconciled to Him. Yet within all of that love came a choice, accept Christ and find oursleves grafted into the family of God as heirs to the kingdom or deny Christ and live forever separated from our creator. Either way, God gives us a choice and we must live with the consequences of that choice. Even if faith Truman had it right...the buck stops here.
In realizing that we are responsible for our past and our future gives us the power to change that future. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying we can change our past. It is futile to try. But, realizing that the past is what has shaped us gives us a better understanding of who we are and why we are the way we are. As I said before, I didn't cause my brain cyst. People aren't always resposible for cancer or tragedy and still, we are responsible for the way we react to those circumstances in our lives. I am sure that Truman held a great sense of weight upon his shoulders as he decided whether to kill thousands of Japanes in order to save, perhaps, millions. We have a tendency to think of Truman as a meek man who use to sell men's hats. He was just that and, yet, we also a man of character and decision making. He knew that final decision rested with him...the buck stops here!
How about you? Are you living with the guilt of the past? Are you the type that likes to blame others for your lot in life? I must admit I have been just that at certain times in my life. However, taking this simple statement and realizing the context that it is presented I find myself wanting to be responsible for me. Responsible for my actions and decisions, not only in my faith but my everday life as well.
David Ponder begins to realize that, although he has lost most of what made his life comfortable, he has not lost his ability to be responsible for his actions. I have often heard the phrase "picking yourself up by your own bootstarps". My mother and father taught me that. They taught me that no matter what happens you have the ability to effect change in your own life. Have I made bad choices, sure, who hasn't. Yet, I hope that my choices have caused an effect for good change. Perhaps not as much as I would like...but it is a start.
As David Ponder prepares himself to move on to the next historical person, the next moment in time when change was made, and the next great statement for success in life, he finds himself saying goodbye to a man in history that, truly, knew the idea of responsibility. Perhaps in the next few days we might realize that as well.
Until tomorrow and the next chapter of our, and David's, journey may we truly look at our lives and realize that God has given us a choice. My advice is this...mak it a good one...because the buck stops here!
Wow! It has been a while since I have been able to sit down and actually try and type something! Between Christmas parties, senior high youth group parties, and, what seems like, worship service after worship service I have not found the time to share with you. For that I am sorry. Yet, I hope that the time between posts has given the opportunity for indivudals, who chose to, to read The Traveler's Gift.
My goal as we share with one another is for us to explore the seven statements for success found in the book. If you have not or wish not to read the book that is fine. Hopefully, I can share the idea and not ruin it for anyone who does choose to read it. We will give it our best shot.
One of the reasons I want to share this book is that I find it fantastic that this little book, which does not appear to be a religious writing at all, has found a way to instill very Christian ideals. In all fairness, I don't think that the seven statements are partuicularly Christian. I think they are statements that can guide anyone to live a life that is focused, moral, and led with a servant heart. I would like to think that God wants that very thing from me.
Another reason that I wanted to share this book with my readers is that I love history. Within the pages of the book there are historical figures, all of them real. Granted, the circumstance in which they appear in the book are fiction, well...yeah, I am sure that it is fictional. So, let's get started and see what The Traveler's Gift has for each of us on our journey home.
This little book begins with a man named David Ponder, a man who has it all. Yet, shortly after the story begins he loses it all. After falling from the heights of financial success he finds himself incapable of affording his daughter's tonsilectomy. Through desparation and depression he contemplates the insurance money that his wife would recieve upon his death. I found that very Capra-esque as we find George Bailey considering the same idea atop the bridge in Bedford Falls shortly before he meets Clarence. Of course It's a Wonderful Life teaches us never to underestimate the power of one individual peros. So does our story.
David Ponder decides to run his car into a tree. Whether on purpose or because of bad driving that is exactly what happens. As he loses conciousness he fingds himself being transported back in time and meeting famous people of history. Each time he meets someone new a new truth is given to him. The great part of the story is that these historical figures know that he is coming and they have written a truth for him.
Not giving the book it's full due yet not wanting make this a book report we fast forward to his first visit, with Harry S. Truman.
He meets Truman during the Potsdam meeting and right before Truman makes his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After figuring out what exactly was going on and listening to Truman explain the adventure he was going to be on he, Truman, gives David his first statement, The buck stops here, I am responsible for my past and my future. Not only is this an eye opener for David Ponder it was for me as well.
On my journey home there have been many opportunities for me to blame God, the world, and life in general regarding the reprocussions of three brain surgeries. Sometimes I have taken that opportunity and felt bad about it later. However, this stament flew in my face. My journey home started well before my surgeries. The decisions that I have mad as a boy and as a man were exactly that, mine! For us to come to a place in our lives where we are searching for the best path we must realize that we are responsible for the choices we make. God knew that we would stray from the path that He had originally designed for us. In His knowledge He gave His son so that we could be reconciled to Him. Yet within all of that love came a choice, accept Christ and find oursleves grafted into the family of God as heirs to the kingdom or deny Christ and live forever separated from our creator. Either way, God gives us a choice and we must live with the consequences of that choice. Even if faith Truman had it right...the buck stops here.
In realizing that we are responsible for our past and our future gives us the power to change that future. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying we can change our past. It is futile to try. But, realizing that the past is what has shaped us gives us a better understanding of who we are and why we are the way we are. As I said before, I didn't cause my brain cyst. People aren't always resposible for cancer or tragedy and still, we are responsible for the way we react to those circumstances in our lives. I am sure that Truman held a great sense of weight upon his shoulders as he decided whether to kill thousands of Japanes in order to save, perhaps, millions. We have a tendency to think of Truman as a meek man who use to sell men's hats. He was just that and, yet, we also a man of character and decision making. He knew that final decision rested with him...the buck stops here!
How about you? Are you living with the guilt of the past? Are you the type that likes to blame others for your lot in life? I must admit I have been just that at certain times in my life. However, taking this simple statement and realizing the context that it is presented I find myself wanting to be responsible for me. Responsible for my actions and decisions, not only in my faith but my everday life as well.
David Ponder begins to realize that, although he has lost most of what made his life comfortable, he has not lost his ability to be responsible for his actions. I have often heard the phrase "picking yourself up by your own bootstarps". My mother and father taught me that. They taught me that no matter what happens you have the ability to effect change in your own life. Have I made bad choices, sure, who hasn't. Yet, I hope that my choices have caused an effect for good change. Perhaps not as much as I would like...but it is a start.
As David Ponder prepares himself to move on to the next historical person, the next moment in time when change was made, and the next great statement for success in life, he finds himself saying goodbye to a man in history that, truly, knew the idea of responsibility. Perhaps in the next few days we might realize that as well.
Until tomorrow and the next chapter of our, and David's, journey may we truly look at our lives and realize that God has given us a choice. My advice is this...mak it a good one...because the buck stops here!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Detours On Our Journey Home
I love the way God can swoop down in the midst of our journey home. I think He likes to do that. I think that God's little tests give us the opportunity to be obedient in our lives. I can't tell you how much this blog has meant to me. When I started it I told you that it was a mental and therapeutic excercise for me and it continues to be just. The joy that it brings me is immeasurable.
I am not sure exactly God had in mind when He challeneged me to take this little detour in my daily life but I am sure He had someting in mind. Even though you don't see a new post everyday I can assure you that I am thinking about this blog on a daily basis. I know that God takes into consideration my busy calendar and knew from the beginning that I would not be able to give 24 hours of attention to His little plan for me. Of course I say that tongue in cheek and with the full recognition that when God gives us a little detour in life in His eternal daily planner it is not a detour at all. The things that God challeneges us with on a daily basis are precisely in His will and in His will for us. If this were not the case He would not challenege us with them. You see, the events, detours, or challenges that come form God are not detours at all to Him. They are simply an extension of the total will He has for us. Just because they are different avenues in our daily schedules do not they make them a detour to God. Having said that I want to share with small detour God has placed in front of me. A detour that I believe has and will continue to have a profund effect on my life.
On the side of this blog you will see on the side of this page, if you scroll down far enough, a book reading reading list. This list is updated every time I change or add a book that I am currently reading. One of th books that you will see is a book by Andy Andrews entitled The Traveler's Gift. This small book has made a profound impact on me and I want to tell you why. Every so often you read a book that seems to fit your life. I don't think that it is always the case but sometimes a book will speak to you and say, "I know exactly where you are in your life and I know exactly where you are eaded and here is a little something to help you on your way". This little book spoke to me in this way and has, profoundly, effected my journey home.
I don't want to give to much of the book away becaus I want you to take thetime to get it and read it. It won't take long but I thought over the next few posts we might sit down at this table we call the internet and grab a cup of coffee and have ourselves a good old fashion book study. I promise to return to my story of ministry, however, I started this blog to share my journey and this is where I am at on my journey at this particular point in my life.
In this great little book we are challenged to look at 7 decisions that we are to make in our life that will effect the way we look at our lives. These decisons can change the way think, act, and react to circumstances that we face everyday. As we read this book together I encourage you to post comments on the thoughts and feelings that God inspires in you spirit. If oyu don't have time to read this book it's OK I will give you the background and attempt to guide us throuh the story however, I tell you that you will find it a blessing to absorb this little work of fiction into your world view.
So, having said all of that let us begin looking and discussing seven decisions that will change our lives forever. Is this a detour in my journey home? I don't think so. I believe that this is just a different path that I am to travel in my attempt to find healing and wholeness in and through God. I t has been said that if you are not the lead dog the view never changes. I believe that God is always the lead dog yet I also believe that He wants our view to change from time to time. That's the brilliance of our journeys. Finding our way into the grace, mercy, and healing power of God's will for our life requires, from time to time, a different vies.
So let us take that detour sign and begin an endeavor of awkening. I hope you enjoy the view!
In our story we are faced with the first decison that we are challeneged to live by day to day.
1. The BUCK STOPS HERE! I am responsible for my past and my future!
I want your mind to percolate around this simple truth and we will dig into the story tomorow.
Don't worry this little change in scenery will be good for all of us. Even if it ends up not being a detour that God wants you take it will be fun seeing the backroads of my journey home. The main raod is under construction and the detour sign is up...let's see where it takes us! Until tomorrow!
I love the way God can swoop down in the midst of our journey home. I think He likes to do that. I think that God's little tests give us the opportunity to be obedient in our lives. I can't tell you how much this blog has meant to me. When I started it I told you that it was a mental and therapeutic excercise for me and it continues to be just. The joy that it brings me is immeasurable.
I am not sure exactly God had in mind when He challeneged me to take this little detour in my daily life but I am sure He had someting in mind. Even though you don't see a new post everyday I can assure you that I am thinking about this blog on a daily basis. I know that God takes into consideration my busy calendar and knew from the beginning that I would not be able to give 24 hours of attention to His little plan for me. Of course I say that tongue in cheek and with the full recognition that when God gives us a little detour in life in His eternal daily planner it is not a detour at all. The things that God challeneges us with on a daily basis are precisely in His will and in His will for us. If this were not the case He would not challenege us with them. You see, the events, detours, or challenges that come form God are not detours at all to Him. They are simply an extension of the total will He has for us. Just because they are different avenues in our daily schedules do not they make them a detour to God. Having said that I want to share with small detour God has placed in front of me. A detour that I believe has and will continue to have a profund effect on my life.
On the side of this blog you will see on the side of this page, if you scroll down far enough, a book reading reading list. This list is updated every time I change or add a book that I am currently reading. One of th books that you will see is a book by Andy Andrews entitled The Traveler's Gift. This small book has made a profound impact on me and I want to tell you why. Every so often you read a book that seems to fit your life. I don't think that it is always the case but sometimes a book will speak to you and say, "I know exactly where you are in your life and I know exactly where you are eaded and here is a little something to help you on your way". This little book spoke to me in this way and has, profoundly, effected my journey home.
I don't want to give to much of the book away becaus I want you to take thetime to get it and read it. It won't take long but I thought over the next few posts we might sit down at this table we call the internet and grab a cup of coffee and have ourselves a good old fashion book study. I promise to return to my story of ministry, however, I started this blog to share my journey and this is where I am at on my journey at this particular point in my life.
In this great little book we are challenged to look at 7 decisions that we are to make in our life that will effect the way we look at our lives. These decisons can change the way think, act, and react to circumstances that we face everyday. As we read this book together I encourage you to post comments on the thoughts and feelings that God inspires in you spirit. If oyu don't have time to read this book it's OK I will give you the background and attempt to guide us throuh the story however, I tell you that you will find it a blessing to absorb this little work of fiction into your world view.
So, having said all of that let us begin looking and discussing seven decisions that will change our lives forever. Is this a detour in my journey home? I don't think so. I believe that this is just a different path that I am to travel in my attempt to find healing and wholeness in and through God. I t has been said that if you are not the lead dog the view never changes. I believe that God is always the lead dog yet I also believe that He wants our view to change from time to time. That's the brilliance of our journeys. Finding our way into the grace, mercy, and healing power of God's will for our life requires, from time to time, a different vies.
So let us take that detour sign and begin an endeavor of awkening. I hope you enjoy the view!
In our story we are faced with the first decison that we are challeneged to live by day to day.
1. The BUCK STOPS HERE! I am responsible for my past and my future!
I want your mind to percolate around this simple truth and we will dig into the story tomorow.
Don't worry this little change in scenery will be good for all of us. Even if it ends up not being a detour that God wants you take it will be fun seeing the backroads of my journey home. The main raod is under construction and the detour sign is up...let's see where it takes us! Until tomorrow!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Let's Jump Right In!
This morning I want to tell you the story ofhow I ended up in youth ministry. Following my return from Galena, AK and our return from Adams State College to La Junta, due to Christine's preganancy, we decided to find a church to attend. Of course we started with First Presbyterian Church because that was the church attended. However, the interim pastor who was there was a little to heady for a brand new Christian like myself. Granted, I had been growing in my faith for over a year yet when I was unable to understand the children's sermon I knew that perhaps there might be another church for me. We searched every Sunday like prospective house hunters. Now, being a pastor of a church myself, I find it comical how we moved from church to church trying to find that one "Godly morsel" that would satisfy our spiritual hunger. I say this because I now know that it isn't just one thing that makes a church feel right. Yet, God would place one individual in my path on my journey home.
After seeking a church home for, well I don't remember how long, we heard that First Presbyterian was calling a new pastor and we wanted to hear him preach. His name was Charlie Little and we immediately liked what we heard and saw. To get to the meat of the story I'll tell you that we started attending regularly and, after some months, we found Charlie sitting on our couch. He had come to speak with us about the church and where we saw ourselves in it's ministry. Three brain surgeries and two decades stand in the way of me remembering exactly why I said the words but I said them, "I think I would like to be a part of youth ministry"!
Of course having been a pastor for almost 10 years now I totally understand why I felt that Charlie's eyes twinkled when I said that. Understand youth ministry is not for everyone just as teaching is not for everyone. No doubt God provides gifts for youth ministry and, if you are really lucky, He will provided the courage as well. Well, those words were music to Charlie's ears and he suggested that I give a youth meeting a try. I agreed!
That first meeting was very enjoyable. I watched Charlie interact and teach the youth of our church and I began to think that this might be something I might be able to grow into. What I didn't know was that Charlie had other plans for me. I believe that there are ministires that God just calls you to. You know, those ministies that are just perfect for you and it really doesn't take much to get it off the ground. From experience I can tell you that youth ministries is not that type of ministry. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Charlie didn't agree. I can remember, although not in great detail, our conversation going something like this. "Well, how did you like it?" asked Charlie."I thought it was great" replied Derek. "Super, " exclaimed Charlie, "let me know if you need anything!"
I am sure that it was not that sudden, however, I can remember getting the sense that Charlie was throwing me under the bus! Of course Charlie didn't really hang me out to dry in the middle of these senior high youth but it felt that way. Charlie was always a great teacher and mentor for me and I appreciate the opportunity he provided for me. Nevertheless, there I was only a few years into my faith leading the youth group of the First Presbyterian Church of La Junta, CO.
My point to this story is that I found out at a very early age that God does indeed equip us for ministry. He wants us to play an active part in the sharing of His great and wonderful story. Perhaps yur gifts aren't suited to youth ministry, very few are! Yet, God has gifted you to do ministry. One te great beliefs of my reformed faith is that there is a priesthood of all believers. That means that each one of us are equipped and gifted to minister to others. What about you? Do you have a talent for listening to thers? Do you find yourself being very comfortable visiting those who are sick? Do you have a gift for administration or a servant's heart in the church kitchen? If so my repsonse to you would be, "Great!, let me know if you need anything!".
You see, so many Christians live their lives in the shadow of other ministries. Be it a fear that what they have to provide is not good enough or the fact that they don't think they have a responsibility in the body of Christ. I believe that God wants us to step out in faith and minister. You don't have to be a "minister" to minister. Scripture tells us that the body of Christ is made up of many different members and you are one of them. So, find out what yu can do in the body of Christ to glorify God...and then do it! Give it some prayer and then...Jump Right In!
Blessings to you and your failies this day,
This morning I want to tell you the story ofhow I ended up in youth ministry. Following my return from Galena, AK and our return from Adams State College to La Junta, due to Christine's preganancy, we decided to find a church to attend. Of course we started with First Presbyterian Church because that was the church attended. However, the interim pastor who was there was a little to heady for a brand new Christian like myself. Granted, I had been growing in my faith for over a year yet when I was unable to understand the children's sermon I knew that perhaps there might be another church for me. We searched every Sunday like prospective house hunters. Now, being a pastor of a church myself, I find it comical how we moved from church to church trying to find that one "Godly morsel" that would satisfy our spiritual hunger. I say this because I now know that it isn't just one thing that makes a church feel right. Yet, God would place one individual in my path on my journey home.
After seeking a church home for, well I don't remember how long, we heard that First Presbyterian was calling a new pastor and we wanted to hear him preach. His name was Charlie Little and we immediately liked what we heard and saw. To get to the meat of the story I'll tell you that we started attending regularly and, after some months, we found Charlie sitting on our couch. He had come to speak with us about the church and where we saw ourselves in it's ministry. Three brain surgeries and two decades stand in the way of me remembering exactly why I said the words but I said them, "I think I would like to be a part of youth ministry"!
Of course having been a pastor for almost 10 years now I totally understand why I felt that Charlie's eyes twinkled when I said that. Understand youth ministry is not for everyone just as teaching is not for everyone. No doubt God provides gifts for youth ministry and, if you are really lucky, He will provided the courage as well. Well, those words were music to Charlie's ears and he suggested that I give a youth meeting a try. I agreed!
That first meeting was very enjoyable. I watched Charlie interact and teach the youth of our church and I began to think that this might be something I might be able to grow into. What I didn't know was that Charlie had other plans for me. I believe that there are ministires that God just calls you to. You know, those ministies that are just perfect for you and it really doesn't take much to get it off the ground. From experience I can tell you that youth ministries is not that type of ministry. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Charlie didn't agree. I can remember, although not in great detail, our conversation going something like this. "Well, how did you like it?" asked Charlie."I thought it was great" replied Derek. "Super, " exclaimed Charlie, "let me know if you need anything!"
I am sure that it was not that sudden, however, I can remember getting the sense that Charlie was throwing me under the bus! Of course Charlie didn't really hang me out to dry in the middle of these senior high youth but it felt that way. Charlie was always a great teacher and mentor for me and I appreciate the opportunity he provided for me. Nevertheless, there I was only a few years into my faith leading the youth group of the First Presbyterian Church of La Junta, CO.
My point to this story is that I found out at a very early age that God does indeed equip us for ministry. He wants us to play an active part in the sharing of His great and wonderful story. Perhaps yur gifts aren't suited to youth ministry, very few are! Yet, God has gifted you to do ministry. One te great beliefs of my reformed faith is that there is a priesthood of all believers. That means that each one of us are equipped and gifted to minister to others. What about you? Do you have a talent for listening to thers? Do you find yourself being very comfortable visiting those who are sick? Do you have a gift for administration or a servant's heart in the church kitchen? If so my repsonse to you would be, "Great!, let me know if you need anything!".
You see, so many Christians live their lives in the shadow of other ministries. Be it a fear that what they have to provide is not good enough or the fact that they don't think they have a responsibility in the body of Christ. I believe that God wants us to step out in faith and minister. You don't have to be a "minister" to minister. Scripture tells us that the body of Christ is made up of many different members and you are one of them. So, find out what yu can do in the body of Christ to glorify God...and then do it! Give it some prayer and then...Jump Right In!
Blessings to you and your failies this day,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ask for Directions!
As I shared with you last post shortly after leaving the military Christine became pregnant. That sounds funny doesn't it? When I write those words, Christine became preganant, it sounds as if one day she woke up and found out that, from some sort of starnge happeneing, she was with child. I know of only one miraculous story like that but that's another post at another time. What I mean to write is that Christine and I found out, through actions that we were totally responsible for, she was pregnant. People say that life is funny and I believe that is true. What I don't believe is that life is hard. I know from my own circumstances that we face hard things in our lives. We face hard times, we face hard choices, and we face hard periods of life. I don't, however believe that life is hard. The reason I say that is because I believe that life is just life. To describe it as hard compares my life to someone else's life and that is impossible to do. Each one of our lives are individual. They are made up of different components such as experiences and decisons that we make for ourselves. No, life isn't hard it's just life.
I read a book recently and I can't remember the author and for that I apologize. The name of the book was People are Stupid and I Can Prove It! It was a wonderful book that shared one simple truth, that people have what they ahve in life and are where they are in life because of one thing, their choices. Now, I know what you're thinking; I didn't choose to be sick, I didn't choose to be in that car accident and I would say you're right. We don't choose all of the bad things that happen to us but we do choose how to react to them.
When we found out that Christine was pregnant we could have chosen to fear the future. We could have said that we were destined to a life of poverty as I tried to finish out my school at Adams State. We could have chosen to do that, but we didn't. What we did decide to do was pray about it. It was shortly after that we decided to move back to La Junta to be close to family as Christine went through the pregnancy.
Many people use the phrase "and luckily it all worked out". I don't think luck had anything to do with our decision working out. I think it had everything to do with God's will. You see, I believe that the amount of circumstance that "work out" in our lives is directly proportinal to the amount of time we spend trying to stay in the will of God. I mean, who better to go to and ask for directions than the one who created the path. Who better to go to and ask for guidance than the one who created your journey. Yes, the will of God is sometimes a scary place to be and you might not always feel safe, but you are safe.
Shortly after Christine and I moved back to La Junta God set us out on a journey of special magnificence. It was shortly after we returned to La Junta that we began attending First Presbyterian Church of La Junta. It was during that short amount of time that we were attending that I felt God calling me to minister to the youth of our church and our community. Granted, I was new to the faith and had no earthly idea how to minister to anything not to mention anyone. However, I found that God picks the strangest people to carry out His will. Look at Moses, he loved to argue. Look at David, he was an adulterer and a murderer. Look at the disciples, they were just fishermen. Yes, God likes the unnderdogs and I believe He likes them because when great things happen through those people the only answer to why it worked is because God made it work! You see He gets the glory not the person. I know way to many people in ministry who are in it for their own glory. I wanted to make sure that never happened to me so I prayed that God would guide me in the His ministry to young people.
Well, to make a short story even longer I think I will wait for the next post to share with you the miraculous and, hilarious if I do say so, events of my introduction into youth ministry. To be honest, it was the first time I really felt that God was truly guiding my steps. Was it hard? Absolutely, it was hard! Was it scary? You bet! But it was the best thing I could have ever experienced. And I am still experiencing it 20 years later.
I encourage you this day to look at your journey home. Do you spend a lot of time complaing that life is hard? If you do I challenge to change your thinking. Life isn't hard, life is just life. And I have found that placing your life in God's hands doesn't make it any easier, it's not suppose to. What it does do is take the burden of major decision making and place it in the hands of the one who has already made all of the decisions. He is not a puppet master and you are not His puppet. What He is, however, is a proud parent who wants to see His children succeed. So take this day to stop and ask for directions. Guys, you will find that it is not as hard as it seems! Until we meet again.
As I shared with you last post shortly after leaving the military Christine became pregnant. That sounds funny doesn't it? When I write those words, Christine became preganant, it sounds as if one day she woke up and found out that, from some sort of starnge happeneing, she was with child. I know of only one miraculous story like that but that's another post at another time. What I mean to write is that Christine and I found out, through actions that we were totally responsible for, she was pregnant. People say that life is funny and I believe that is true. What I don't believe is that life is hard. I know from my own circumstances that we face hard things in our lives. We face hard times, we face hard choices, and we face hard periods of life. I don't, however believe that life is hard. The reason I say that is because I believe that life is just life. To describe it as hard compares my life to someone else's life and that is impossible to do. Each one of our lives are individual. They are made up of different components such as experiences and decisons that we make for ourselves. No, life isn't hard it's just life.
I read a book recently and I can't remember the author and for that I apologize. The name of the book was People are Stupid and I Can Prove It! It was a wonderful book that shared one simple truth, that people have what they ahve in life and are where they are in life because of one thing, their choices. Now, I know what you're thinking; I didn't choose to be sick, I didn't choose to be in that car accident and I would say you're right. We don't choose all of the bad things that happen to us but we do choose how to react to them.
When we found out that Christine was pregnant we could have chosen to fear the future. We could have said that we were destined to a life of poverty as I tried to finish out my school at Adams State. We could have chosen to do that, but we didn't. What we did decide to do was pray about it. It was shortly after that we decided to move back to La Junta to be close to family as Christine went through the pregnancy.
Many people use the phrase "and luckily it all worked out". I don't think luck had anything to do with our decision working out. I think it had everything to do with God's will. You see, I believe that the amount of circumstance that "work out" in our lives is directly proportinal to the amount of time we spend trying to stay in the will of God. I mean, who better to go to and ask for directions than the one who created the path. Who better to go to and ask for guidance than the one who created your journey. Yes, the will of God is sometimes a scary place to be and you might not always feel safe, but you are safe.
Shortly after Christine and I moved back to La Junta God set us out on a journey of special magnificence. It was shortly after we returned to La Junta that we began attending First Presbyterian Church of La Junta. It was during that short amount of time that we were attending that I felt God calling me to minister to the youth of our church and our community. Granted, I was new to the faith and had no earthly idea how to minister to anything not to mention anyone. However, I found that God picks the strangest people to carry out His will. Look at Moses, he loved to argue. Look at David, he was an adulterer and a murderer. Look at the disciples, they were just fishermen. Yes, God likes the unnderdogs and I believe He likes them because when great things happen through those people the only answer to why it worked is because God made it work! You see He gets the glory not the person. I know way to many people in ministry who are in it for their own glory. I wanted to make sure that never happened to me so I prayed that God would guide me in the His ministry to young people.
Well, to make a short story even longer I think I will wait for the next post to share with you the miraculous and, hilarious if I do say so, events of my introduction into youth ministry. To be honest, it was the first time I really felt that God was truly guiding my steps. Was it hard? Absolutely, it was hard! Was it scary? You bet! But it was the best thing I could have ever experienced. And I am still experiencing it 20 years later.
I encourage you this day to look at your journey home. Do you spend a lot of time complaing that life is hard? If you do I challenge to change your thinking. Life isn't hard, life is just life. And I have found that placing your life in God's hands doesn't make it any easier, it's not suppose to. What it does do is take the burden of major decision making and place it in the hands of the one who has already made all of the decisions. He is not a puppet master and you are not His puppet. What He is, however, is a proud parent who wants to see His children succeed. So take this day to stop and ask for directions. Guys, you will find that it is not as hard as it seems! Until we meet again.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Swinging for the Fences!
Oscar Wilde once said, "When the gods want to punish us they answer our prayers". The equivalent of that is, "Be careful what you ask for because you might get it". If you have been reading this blog then you know that as part of my conversion I had asked God to "do something with me". Well, after my assignment in Galena I headed back to civilization and the wife that I had missed for the last 12 months.
Upon "re-entering" western civilization I noticed that this were different. I didn't really stop to figure why or how it was different it just was. I noticed that my friends treated me different. Or, perhaps, I treated them different. As I have mention in my prior posts I saw the world through different glasses. I was drawn toward my brother and sisters in Christ.
It wasn't long after I had received my discharge from the Air Force that I had enrolled at Adams State College in the hopes of receving a teaching degree in history. Christine and I have always felt that this was a blessing from God. It probably wouldn't of felt that way if it hadn't been for the fact that the military let me out a whole year prior to my 6 year commitment. It was also due to the fact they let me out in the middle of the fist Gulf war, when they weren't letting anyone out. It was during this time in my journey home that God decided to throw us a curve ball.
If you know anyhting about hitting a baseball, which I used to be able to do and then for some unknown reason in my junior year of high school, God decided to strip me of that talent, it's important to be able to see the ball. The reason for this is that when a curve ball is coming at you you are able to see the ball's stitches. As a curve ball comes to you the stitsch on the ball looks like they spinning side ways. The reason I mention this is that Christine and I were pretty sure we saw the pitch that God was throwing us. We were fairlay certain that going to Adams State was directly in the middle of God's plan for us. Perhaps it was initially. Yet, looking back now, I think we thought we sawe a fast ball and missed the curve!
It wasn't long after moving into married housing on the campus that we found out that Christine was pregnant with our daughter Stephanie. Holy cow! As you can imagine that set us back a little. Here we were a young married couple excited about fulfilling God's purpose in our lives and God had just thrown us a curve ball of special magnificence!
Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever felt that you were so close to being in the will of God, or what you thought was the will of God, and then just get a curve ball from life? I think God throws a lot of curve balls. In mny circunstatnces it isn't God throwing them at all, it's life. Life in general has a lot of different ptiches in it's arsenal. Think about it. How many times has life come with it's fastball only to find you way behind on the pitch? Your life is moving at a pace that you just can't catch up with. Or, how many times has life thrown you that change up and you have found yourself, unknowingly, way out in front of it? Your mind, spirit, and body are moving at one speed nd life comes in at a different speed and you can't or don't recognize it. The pace of life is hectic and God says to slow down and you miss it. You neglect your family and your friends for the sake of advancement in your job. Well, let me tell you something. After arriving home from galena God, and life, threw every pitch knwon to man. Some of them I hit, some of them I missed, and, most of the tme, I fouled them off. Well, enough of the mixed metaphors. Suffice it to say we were getting pitches in life that we stuggled with at the home plate of life. It was during that time in ourlife that we only had one thing to do...listen.
Many times during our journey it is important to take the time to listen to God. I believe that, sometimes, we are encouraged to pray so much that we forget to stop and listen for answers. Well after finding out that Christine was pregnant we realized that we had to listen to what God was saying to us. We had to pause and hear His will for our life. The hard part was the fear of actually doing whatever He asked of us. As I said before, or rather Oscar Wilde said, "When the gods want to punish us they answer our prayers". Well our prayer was, "show us your will". The only problem with that was that He did and it was not what we had expected!
Join me next time as I share the incredible journey that God placed Christine and I on. A journey that would lead us to 2 small towns and 2 decade of ministry in His name. But until then keep praying, keep watching for that pitch from God and, when you get it, swing for the fences!
In Christ's Holy Name,
Oscar Wilde once said, "When the gods want to punish us they answer our prayers". The equivalent of that is, "Be careful what you ask for because you might get it". If you have been reading this blog then you know that as part of my conversion I had asked God to "do something with me". Well, after my assignment in Galena I headed back to civilization and the wife that I had missed for the last 12 months.
Upon "re-entering" western civilization I noticed that this were different. I didn't really stop to figure why or how it was different it just was. I noticed that my friends treated me different. Or, perhaps, I treated them different. As I have mention in my prior posts I saw the world through different glasses. I was drawn toward my brother and sisters in Christ.
It wasn't long after I had received my discharge from the Air Force that I had enrolled at Adams State College in the hopes of receving a teaching degree in history. Christine and I have always felt that this was a blessing from God. It probably wouldn't of felt that way if it hadn't been for the fact that the military let me out a whole year prior to my 6 year commitment. It was also due to the fact they let me out in the middle of the fist Gulf war, when they weren't letting anyone out. It was during this time in my journey home that God decided to throw us a curve ball.
If you know anyhting about hitting a baseball, which I used to be able to do and then for some unknown reason in my junior year of high school, God decided to strip me of that talent, it's important to be able to see the ball. The reason for this is that when a curve ball is coming at you you are able to see the ball's stitches. As a curve ball comes to you the stitsch on the ball looks like they spinning side ways. The reason I mention this is that Christine and I were pretty sure we saw the pitch that God was throwing us. We were fairlay certain that going to Adams State was directly in the middle of God's plan for us. Perhaps it was initially. Yet, looking back now, I think we thought we sawe a fast ball and missed the curve!
It wasn't long after moving into married housing on the campus that we found out that Christine was pregnant with our daughter Stephanie. Holy cow! As you can imagine that set us back a little. Here we were a young married couple excited about fulfilling God's purpose in our lives and God had just thrown us a curve ball of special magnificence!
Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever felt that you were so close to being in the will of God, or what you thought was the will of God, and then just get a curve ball from life? I think God throws a lot of curve balls. In mny circunstatnces it isn't God throwing them at all, it's life. Life in general has a lot of different ptiches in it's arsenal. Think about it. How many times has life come with it's fastball only to find you way behind on the pitch? Your life is moving at a pace that you just can't catch up with. Or, how many times has life thrown you that change up and you have found yourself, unknowingly, way out in front of it? Your mind, spirit, and body are moving at one speed nd life comes in at a different speed and you can't or don't recognize it. The pace of life is hectic and God says to slow down and you miss it. You neglect your family and your friends for the sake of advancement in your job. Well, let me tell you something. After arriving home from galena God, and life, threw every pitch knwon to man. Some of them I hit, some of them I missed, and, most of the tme, I fouled them off. Well, enough of the mixed metaphors. Suffice it to say we were getting pitches in life that we stuggled with at the home plate of life. It was during that time in ourlife that we only had one thing to do...listen.
Many times during our journey it is important to take the time to listen to God. I believe that, sometimes, we are encouraged to pray so much that we forget to stop and listen for answers. Well after finding out that Christine was pregnant we realized that we had to listen to what God was saying to us. We had to pause and hear His will for our life. The hard part was the fear of actually doing whatever He asked of us. As I said before, or rather Oscar Wilde said, "When the gods want to punish us they answer our prayers". Well our prayer was, "show us your will". The only problem with that was that He did and it was not what we had expected!
Join me next time as I share the incredible journey that God placed Christine and I on. A journey that would lead us to 2 small towns and 2 decade of ministry in His name. But until then keep praying, keep watching for that pitch from God and, when you get it, swing for the fences!
In Christ's Holy Name,
Monday, December 7, 2009
Live for Today
I want to take a tangent from Galena for just one post (it's alright I promise to be back there tomorrow!). I have written many times that following my surgeries I struggled with God's garce. I had a hard time trying to get back to Him for the very simple fact that I thought that I had received a bum deal! I worked hard for Him and this is how He repays me! I know that I have also told you that as I get further and further away from my surgeries I have come to realize that my life is a gift. I know that I could have easily not gotten up from those operating tables.
What I want to share with you this morning is something that I have found on my journey home. I am the type of person that feels that words mean something. Being a pastor I know that words can move people to great heights emotionally. I have that scripture does that to me as well. One of the other types of words that move and encourage me are lyrics. That's right, music moves me. I know that some of you are of the mindset that some music is of the devil! I will agree that some music sounds like hell but may not truly be from hell! I believe that it is not the music that gives glory to God necessarily, although it can. I believe that the essence of music that moves people emotionally are the words. Understand I am not saying that Beethoven or Bach is uncapable of inspiring. I am just saying that in my life words , or lyrics, move me.
During my journey I have been encouraged by songs. One song in particular is Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You Were Dying" and Nickelback's song "If Today Were Your Last Day". The lyrics of these songs encourage me to look upon today as a gift, to aproach each day as if it were your last day. I think we rarely do that. Although, on some occasions we do just that. I can remember the day before my first brain surgery we wen to spen the night in Pueblo, CO. It was ther that I would go to Parkview hopsital and find out if the cyst in my head was a cancerous tumor or not. I had bee n told that were many dangers to brain surgery. As a side note I never really payed any attention to the saying that we use when something isn't very difficult. You know the saying that goes, "It's not brain surgery". Well, it was during this day before surgery that I truly felt as if this might be my last day. I had my family around me and I had just said goodbye to my sister and I remember thinking that I might not see her, in this lifteime, again. My mother and father had come all the way from Indiana to be with me and I remember thinking how hard it must of been thinking, that perhaps they were driving all those miles just to say goodbye to me one last time. But God is good, and of course simply by reading my words today, you know that was not the case!
It didn't get any easier on the day of my second surgery. Even though we knew the routine something happened that not had happened during the first surgery. At the first surgery I had told Christine that I was not going to be able to be in the waiting room to encourage people and to keep their faith in God strong and so I told her that she was the one who had to do that. Christine is an incredibly strong women and I could write blogs about her until Jesus comes and I would not even scratch the surface of the depth of my love for her. However, I remember the few moments before I went back to the operating room for my second surgery.
Christine was in the room with me and it was just her and I. I can remember that we really didn't say much to each other I simply remember her eys. For those of you who have never met my wife you have missed one of God's great creations. Don't get me wrong she is just as human as you and I but, I believe, that God put just a little bit more into her. I can remebr us just looking at each other for the moment before I left for surgery. Without any words we shared our love for each other and I felt that no matter what happened from that moment on we had told each other any and everything we had wanted to say. After surviving three brain surgeries the one thing that I never take for granted is tomorrow and more than that my wivfe's eyes. With a simple look she conveyed to me her love and the love that we share.
I know that I seem to write a lot about not taking tomorrow for granted I also know I fill my blogs with the thought of living for today. Yet, I have rarely shared the idea of letting loved ones know what you feel. One of my father's favorite songs is Garth Brook's "If Tomorrow Never Comes". I can remember him saying that it was the song he wanted played at his funeral. All of these songs and many other conveys one simple truth. Live for today, carpe diem, seize the day!
So, as I take a small detour from my conversion story to share with you these thoughts I, once again, challenge you to live for today. Tell those who are close to you that you love them and live like you are dying because, in reality, we are.
So to my mother and father I say that I am what I am today because of you. You have modeled love and commitment and I am proud to say that I am a Hutchison. To my sister and brother, words cannot express the love that I feel for both of you. We are Jim and Dixie's kids and I would never have traded that for anyhting on this earth. To my children, Stephanie and Jacob, I see all of our family in both of you, you have incredibly loving hearts and I am so proud to be your father. And to Christine, well, those words are between her and me. We are a bond that God has formed that will never be broken. To all of my family, I have been humbled in your presence and have rejoiced in our love
Now, before this blog begins to sound creepy as if I was preparing to die tomorrow let me say this, I fully expect to be back at this computer keyboard tomorrow spewing out words of healing for my spirit. However, if I am not, or, God forbid, you are not then I have shared with you my love.
I want to leave you with the lyrics to the songs I hae shared with you. Perhaps they can encourage you today. Perhaps in the hustle and bustle of this busy holiday season you can find hope in the words. So, until my next entry, my love to all!
"Live Like You Were Dyin"
Tim McGraw
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she's my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance
To tell her how I feel
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she's my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes
I want to take a tangent from Galena for just one post (it's alright I promise to be back there tomorrow!). I have written many times that following my surgeries I struggled with God's garce. I had a hard time trying to get back to Him for the very simple fact that I thought that I had received a bum deal! I worked hard for Him and this is how He repays me! I know that I have also told you that as I get further and further away from my surgeries I have come to realize that my life is a gift. I know that I could have easily not gotten up from those operating tables.
What I want to share with you this morning is something that I have found on my journey home. I am the type of person that feels that words mean something. Being a pastor I know that words can move people to great heights emotionally. I have that scripture does that to me as well. One of the other types of words that move and encourage me are lyrics. That's right, music moves me. I know that some of you are of the mindset that some music is of the devil! I will agree that some music sounds like hell but may not truly be from hell! I believe that it is not the music that gives glory to God necessarily, although it can. I believe that the essence of music that moves people emotionally are the words. Understand I am not saying that Beethoven or Bach is uncapable of inspiring. I am just saying that in my life words , or lyrics, move me.
During my journey I have been encouraged by songs. One song in particular is Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You Were Dying" and Nickelback's song "If Today Were Your Last Day". The lyrics of these songs encourage me to look upon today as a gift, to aproach each day as if it were your last day. I think we rarely do that. Although, on some occasions we do just that. I can remember the day before my first brain surgery we wen to spen the night in Pueblo, CO. It was ther that I would go to Parkview hopsital and find out if the cyst in my head was a cancerous tumor or not. I had bee n told that were many dangers to brain surgery. As a side note I never really payed any attention to the saying that we use when something isn't very difficult. You know the saying that goes, "It's not brain surgery". Well, it was during this day before surgery that I truly felt as if this might be my last day. I had my family around me and I had just said goodbye to my sister and I remember thinking that I might not see her, in this lifteime, again. My mother and father had come all the way from Indiana to be with me and I remember thinking how hard it must of been thinking, that perhaps they were driving all those miles just to say goodbye to me one last time. But God is good, and of course simply by reading my words today, you know that was not the case!
It didn't get any easier on the day of my second surgery. Even though we knew the routine something happened that not had happened during the first surgery. At the first surgery I had told Christine that I was not going to be able to be in the waiting room to encourage people and to keep their faith in God strong and so I told her that she was the one who had to do that. Christine is an incredibly strong women and I could write blogs about her until Jesus comes and I would not even scratch the surface of the depth of my love for her. However, I remember the few moments before I went back to the operating room for my second surgery.
Christine was in the room with me and it was just her and I. I can remember that we really didn't say much to each other I simply remember her eys. For those of you who have never met my wife you have missed one of God's great creations. Don't get me wrong she is just as human as you and I but, I believe, that God put just a little bit more into her. I can remebr us just looking at each other for the moment before I left for surgery. Without any words we shared our love for each other and I felt that no matter what happened from that moment on we had told each other any and everything we had wanted to say. After surviving three brain surgeries the one thing that I never take for granted is tomorrow and more than that my wivfe's eyes. With a simple look she conveyed to me her love and the love that we share.
I know that I seem to write a lot about not taking tomorrow for granted I also know I fill my blogs with the thought of living for today. Yet, I have rarely shared the idea of letting loved ones know what you feel. One of my father's favorite songs is Garth Brook's "If Tomorrow Never Comes". I can remember him saying that it was the song he wanted played at his funeral. All of these songs and many other conveys one simple truth. Live for today, carpe diem, seize the day!
So, as I take a small detour from my conversion story to share with you these thoughts I, once again, challenge you to live for today. Tell those who are close to you that you love them and live like you are dying because, in reality, we are.
So to my mother and father I say that I am what I am today because of you. You have modeled love and commitment and I am proud to say that I am a Hutchison. To my sister and brother, words cannot express the love that I feel for both of you. We are Jim and Dixie's kids and I would never have traded that for anyhting on this earth. To my children, Stephanie and Jacob, I see all of our family in both of you, you have incredibly loving hearts and I am so proud to be your father. And to Christine, well, those words are between her and me. We are a bond that God has formed that will never be broken. To all of my family, I have been humbled in your presence and have rejoiced in our love
Now, before this blog begins to sound creepy as if I was preparing to die tomorrow let me say this, I fully expect to be back at this computer keyboard tomorrow spewing out words of healing for my spirit. However, if I am not, or, God forbid, you are not then I have shared with you my love.
I want to leave you with the lyrics to the songs I hae shared with you. Perhaps they can encourage you today. Perhaps in the hustle and bustle of this busy holiday season you can find hope in the words. So, until my next entry, my love to all!
"Live Like You Were Dyin"
Tim McGraw
He said: "I was in my early forties,
"With a lot of life before me,
"An' a moment came that stopped me on a dime.
"I spent most of the next days,
"Looking at the x-rays,
"An' talking 'bout the options an' talkin’ ‘bout sweet time."
I asked him when it sank in,
That this might really be the real end?
How’s it hit you when you get that kind of news?
Man whatcha do?
An' he said: "I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."
He said "I was finally the husband,
"That most the time I wasn’t.
"An' I became a friend a friend would like to have.
"And all of a sudden goin' fishin’,
"Wasn’t such an imposition,
"And I went three times that year I lost my Dad.
"Well, I finally read the Good Book,
"And I took a good long hard look,
"At what I'd do if I could do it all again,
"And then:
"I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."
Like tomorrow was a gift,
And you got eternity,
To think about what you’d do with it.
An' what did you do with it?
An' what can I do with it?
An' what would I do with it?
"Sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And then I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I watched Blue Eagle as it was flyin'."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."
"To live like you were dyin'."
"To live like you were dyin'."
"To live like you were dyin'."
"To live like you were dyin'."
"If Today Were Your Last Day"
My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
If Today Was Your Last Day
and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday'
Would you live each moment like your last'
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have'
If today was your last day
Against the grain should be a way of life
What's worth the prize is always worth the fight
Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
So live like you'll never live it twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life
If today was your last day
and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday'
Would you live each moment like your last'
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have'
Would you call old friends you never see'
Reminisce of memories
Would you forgive your enemies'
Would you find that one you're dreamin' of'
[ If Today Was Your Last Day lyrics from ]
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day
If today was your last day
Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart'
You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are
So do whatever it takes
'Cause you can't rewind a moment in this life
Let nothin' stand in your way
Cause the hands of time are never on your side
If today was your last day
and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday'
Would you live each moment like your last'
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have'
Would you call old friends you never see'
Reminisce of memories
Would you forgive your enemies'
Would you find that one you're dreamin' of'
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day
"If Tomorrow Never Comes"
Garth Brooks
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she's my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance
To tell her how I feel
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way
To show her every day
That she's my only one
If my time on earth were through
And she must face the world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes
carpe diem,
Garth Brooks,
seize the day,
Tim McGraw
Friday, December 4, 2009
Through the Eyes of God
I want to pick up where my story left off yesterday. Remember, I had asked God to do something with me and it was apparent that He was going to keep His word!
After coming to Christ in Galena I found myself looking at the world with different eyes. Perhaps it wasn't as if I had different eyes but that I was looking through a different lens. It was shortly after my "God Experience that I began to see, think, and act in a different way. As I said before I felt as if a load had been taken off my shoulders. I also began to look at my friends differently. I found that I wasn't drawn to things I used to do (drinking). I found that I now had things in common with others on the base that I had not taken the time to meet.
One of those individuals happen to be a Master Seargent (MSgt) in my communications group. Obviously Master Seargents and Buck Seargents don't regularly hang out together. However, I found that, through the chapel, we did just that. It appeared that this "God Thing" Knew nothing about rank structure. Well, I guess the only rank structure there was saw the triune God at the top and everyone else below! And even that wasn't true because on my journey home I have found myself beside Christ alot more than I have found myself under Him. God works like that. In our most darkest times He comes along beside us to encourage us.
Through my relationship with the MSgt. I began to grow in the word of God and spent the rest of my time in Galena holding a position on the Chapel board. I learned many things about church structure and administration by being a part of that group. Then it came time for my time to leave Galena. 365 days had passed and it was time for me to leave. No one can really tell how long 365 days are unless you count them down one day at a time. We commonly refer to our 365 day cycle as a "year". The funny thing is that in Galena time was different. I am not sure whether it was the -70 degree days, the lack of sunlight in the winter, or the lack of darkness in the summer but regular time did not exist in Galena, AK. The reason that I know this is that it took 5 years for 365 days to pass! Well, maybe it just seemed like that was case!
Nevertheless, it was time for me to go and a question kept burning in my mind. When I leave Alaska, is God coming with me? I know that sounds like a silly question. But to a new Christian it was real! I wasn't sure that the joy I had found in my heart would translate back in the "real world". I was leaving a place where God had found me and I had found God. The only question was will He go with me?
My journey home has shown me that God loves to show up announced. From the hounds of heaven in Alaska to a silent room of the Neuro ICU, He makes himself known to us. I am sure that we don't take the time to always realize His presence. However, maybe we should. Maybe, just maybe, taking the extra moment to recognize and acknowledge the presence of the spirit of God could change a bad day into a good one, or an unbearable circumstance into one that is just bearable.
I encourage you, this day, to take time and know that God is with you. In my church we take time at the beginning of our services to "Be still and know that He is God". That's the realization that God is with us us, "Emmanuel".
Join me next time when I share with you the great story of God's presence back in "the real world".
I leave you with bendiction:
May God go with you this day. May He go behind you to encourage you, beside you to befriend, above you to watch over you, and in fron of you to show you the way!
I want to pick up where my story left off yesterday. Remember, I had asked God to do something with me and it was apparent that He was going to keep His word!
After coming to Christ in Galena I found myself looking at the world with different eyes. Perhaps it wasn't as if I had different eyes but that I was looking through a different lens. It was shortly after my "God Experience that I began to see, think, and act in a different way. As I said before I felt as if a load had been taken off my shoulders. I also began to look at my friends differently. I found that I wasn't drawn to things I used to do (drinking). I found that I now had things in common with others on the base that I had not taken the time to meet.
One of those individuals happen to be a Master Seargent (MSgt) in my communications group. Obviously Master Seargents and Buck Seargents don't regularly hang out together. However, I found that, through the chapel, we did just that. It appeared that this "God Thing" Knew nothing about rank structure. Well, I guess the only rank structure there was saw the triune God at the top and everyone else below! And even that wasn't true because on my journey home I have found myself beside Christ alot more than I have found myself under Him. God works like that. In our most darkest times He comes along beside us to encourage us.
Through my relationship with the MSgt. I began to grow in the word of God and spent the rest of my time in Galena holding a position on the Chapel board. I learned many things about church structure and administration by being a part of that group. Then it came time for my time to leave Galena. 365 days had passed and it was time for me to leave. No one can really tell how long 365 days are unless you count them down one day at a time. We commonly refer to our 365 day cycle as a "year". The funny thing is that in Galena time was different. I am not sure whether it was the -70 degree days, the lack of sunlight in the winter, or the lack of darkness in the summer but regular time did not exist in Galena, AK. The reason that I know this is that it took 5 years for 365 days to pass! Well, maybe it just seemed like that was case!
Nevertheless, it was time for me to go and a question kept burning in my mind. When I leave Alaska, is God coming with me? I know that sounds like a silly question. But to a new Christian it was real! I wasn't sure that the joy I had found in my heart would translate back in the "real world". I was leaving a place where God had found me and I had found God. The only question was will He go with me?
My journey home has shown me that God loves to show up announced. From the hounds of heaven in Alaska to a silent room of the Neuro ICU, He makes himself known to us. I am sure that we don't take the time to always realize His presence. However, maybe we should. Maybe, just maybe, taking the extra moment to recognize and acknowledge the presence of the spirit of God could change a bad day into a good one, or an unbearable circumstance into one that is just bearable.
I encourage you, this day, to take time and know that God is with you. In my church we take time at the beginning of our services to "Be still and know that He is God". That's the realization that God is with us us, "Emmanuel".
Join me next time when I share with you the great story of God's presence back in "the real world".
I leave you with bendiction:
May God go with you this day. May He go behind you to encourage you, beside you to befriend, above you to watch over you, and in fron of you to show you the way!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Now, back to my story!
I shared with you last time that after visiting the chapel I had felt a great change coming over me. After being so bold as to ask God if He would DO SOMETHING WITH ME I had to come to turns with what that meant. The only way that I can describe it was it was if a great burden was lifted off my shoulders. For weeks I had struggled with the idea of being away from Christine and my family for an entire year. That day in the chapel it was as if God was saying, "I know, it's hard but I'm with you!".
On my journey home I have come to realize that God truly means that. He wants us to know that He is with us and that can make difference. It made a huge difference in my mental approach to Galena. I missed Christine and my family very much but I had the sense that I was going to make it...and I did. This same feeling came to me before every surgery I had...I was going to make it! And I did!
The presence of God through His spirit is an interesting thing. In the midst of sadness and pain, disaster and tragedy, God's spirit brings us peace. It was that peace that I felt that day in Galena, AK. Following my acceptance of Christ I began to notice that the other side of the street (the bar) wasn't as appealing. It wasn't that I didn't want to go have a beer with my buddies. It was just that I now felt that I didn't the beer to deal with my life. I had God now and He was incharge.
I think that's hard for men. We are constantly bombarded witht the idea that we are the providers, we are the protector, we ar in charge! Being blasted with that every day of our lives we are, understandably, cautious and hesitant to put any one else in charge. But, that's deal that God has made. Believe in my son and give Him your life and I will come and abide in you! Looking back it seemed like such a simple decision LIFE SUCKS + MISS MY WIFE + BITTER COLD= I NEED JESUS!
It probably wasn't that bad, more likely it was worse! Coming to Christ in Galena AFB changed my life forever and that's what it was supposed to do. Yet, now that I had this new faith, what was I supposed to do with it? Well, God had a plan for that as well. Join me next time as I share with you the way that God took a miserable sinner and brought Him to the throne of Grace.
Now, back to my story!
I shared with you last time that after visiting the chapel I had felt a great change coming over me. After being so bold as to ask God if He would DO SOMETHING WITH ME I had to come to turns with what that meant. The only way that I can describe it was it was if a great burden was lifted off my shoulders. For weeks I had struggled with the idea of being away from Christine and my family for an entire year. That day in the chapel it was as if God was saying, "I know, it's hard but I'm with you!".
On my journey home I have come to realize that God truly means that. He wants us to know that He is with us and that can make difference. It made a huge difference in my mental approach to Galena. I missed Christine and my family very much but I had the sense that I was going to make it...and I did. This same feeling came to me before every surgery I had...I was going to make it! And I did!
The presence of God through His spirit is an interesting thing. In the midst of sadness and pain, disaster and tragedy, God's spirit brings us peace. It was that peace that I felt that day in Galena, AK. Following my acceptance of Christ I began to notice that the other side of the street (the bar) wasn't as appealing. It wasn't that I didn't want to go have a beer with my buddies. It was just that I now felt that I didn't the beer to deal with my life. I had God now and He was incharge.
I think that's hard for men. We are constantly bombarded witht the idea that we are the providers, we are the protector, we ar in charge! Being blasted with that every day of our lives we are, understandably, cautious and hesitant to put any one else in charge. But, that's deal that God has made. Believe in my son and give Him your life and I will come and abide in you! Looking back it seemed like such a simple decision LIFE SUCKS + MISS MY WIFE + BITTER COLD= I NEED JESUS!
It probably wasn't that bad, more likely it was worse! Coming to Christ in Galena AFB changed my life forever and that's what it was supposed to do. Yet, now that I had this new faith, what was I supposed to do with it? Well, God had a plan for that as well. Join me next time as I share with you the way that God took a miserable sinner and brought Him to the throne of Grace.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Charlie Chaplain
I think of myself as a pretty good son. I have made mistakes in my life that have gotten me into trouble, however, I don't consider myself a trouble child at all. I usually do what my parents tell me to do. So, after hearing from my father about picking up where my Galena story left off I feel obligated, as a good son, to carry on the rest of the story from Alaska!
As I have said before upon reaching Galena and realizing that there were only two sides of the base, the bar and the church, I chose the bar side. I don't know that I chose the bar side on purpose. Thinking back now it wasn't that the bar side had won it was just that the church side had lost. Upon arrival at Galena I wasn't necessarily a drinker, although having the beer unloaded off the plane first gave me the idea that the drink of Galena was first and foremost on people's mind. I just remember feeling that I didn't want to spend time worshipping a God that I wasn't partuclarly fond of. However, that was all going to change.
I can remember one sunny day in July, actually in July it's sunny about 23 and 1/2 hours of the day. Any way, I can remeber one sunny day coming home from the bar and thinking to myself that life really couldn't get any worse. By that time I had crawled inside the whiskey bottle and my view of life was pretty distorted. It's funny how the bottle can distort your vision. The thick glass has a tendency to distort the picture of life. The funny thing is we all have our whiskey bottles that warp our preception of life. It might be depression, financial hardships, drugs, or porr health. Each struggle we face changes the perception of our spirutal vision.
Anyway, my spiritual vison was being warped by alcohol I knew that something had to change. As I lay on my bed in my dorm room I began to speak to a God that I wasn't quite sure I even believed in. Don't misunderstand me. I wasn't so much praying as I was yelling. In retrospect I realize that this interchange between me and God was a prayer I just didn't know it. I was mad at God and He was going to know it. At that point in my life I didn't know that God already knew it. The grace and mercy that I would be shown during that prayer would be the catalyst for my redemption.
As I cursed God and blamed Him for my lot in life something happened to me, I began to crack. By crack I mean that the rough and tough exterior that I had built around my life began to crumble. The hate and anger that drove my world view was crumbling right before my spiritual eyes. It was at this time that I prayed the prayer tha change my life in a dramatic and powerful way. My prayer went something like this, "God I am not even sure that you are real, but if you are I want you to do somehting with my life".
There! I had said it! That one prayer did something that all prayers are suppose to do. That prayer was the exact example of a repentant heart. It was during that exchange that I told God to "do something with me". I wasn't specific and I wasn't really sure that He was able to hear me, but He did. God answered that prayer and the next day I found myself sittingin the chapel on the other side of the road. I wasn't sure why I was there or even how I had gotten there. Nevertheless, I was there a sinner in the house of God!
It was during that time when I heard a story from a man that change the course of my life forever. It was a story from the chaplain of Galena. His name was Charlie, Charlie the chaplain. During that hour that I sat in the little chapel of Galena when he told a story of peoplewho needed a savior. He spoke of love and grace, compassion and mercy, and peace that passes understanding. He spoke the word of God and it seemed like he was speaking it right to me. I am not sure how many people were attending the service that morning but it might as well been empty save him and me. I felt like God was speaking to me through Charlie. I can remember having a great wave of sadness and sorrow sweeping over me and hearing a father say, "give it to me and lighten your load". At that moment God had chosen a man to share with me a way that I could find peace it my life, a chance to start over, and I took it!
I like to say that the old Derek died that day and in truth he did. Scripture tells us that in Christ we are e new creation, all things are apssed away and, behold, all things are new. It was at that moment in time that God placed me on a new path, and a new journey towards Him.
On our journey home we run into seemingly unbeatable odds. Whether it be physical or spiritual our worldview gets set askew by the lens of life. It is during those times when we have to stop and ask God for clarity. It is during those times that we need to pray for a clear vision of His will for us. On that day I had asked God to "do something with me". Well, He asnwered that prayer. Join me next time when I will share with the great little plan that God had decided to "do".
The saying goes that we need to be careful what we pray for because God just might give it to us. Oh boy did I find that out! Until next time may God bless you and keep you on your journey home!
Thanks Dad for getting me back on track! I love you and Mom!
I think of myself as a pretty good son. I have made mistakes in my life that have gotten me into trouble, however, I don't consider myself a trouble child at all. I usually do what my parents tell me to do. So, after hearing from my father about picking up where my Galena story left off I feel obligated, as a good son, to carry on the rest of the story from Alaska!
As I have said before upon reaching Galena and realizing that there were only two sides of the base, the bar and the church, I chose the bar side. I don't know that I chose the bar side on purpose. Thinking back now it wasn't that the bar side had won it was just that the church side had lost. Upon arrival at Galena I wasn't necessarily a drinker, although having the beer unloaded off the plane first gave me the idea that the drink of Galena was first and foremost on people's mind. I just remember feeling that I didn't want to spend time worshipping a God that I wasn't partuclarly fond of. However, that was all going to change.
I can remember one sunny day in July, actually in July it's sunny about 23 and 1/2 hours of the day. Any way, I can remeber one sunny day coming home from the bar and thinking to myself that life really couldn't get any worse. By that time I had crawled inside the whiskey bottle and my view of life was pretty distorted. It's funny how the bottle can distort your vision. The thick glass has a tendency to distort the picture of life. The funny thing is we all have our whiskey bottles that warp our preception of life. It might be depression, financial hardships, drugs, or porr health. Each struggle we face changes the perception of our spirutal vision.
Anyway, my spiritual vison was being warped by alcohol I knew that something had to change. As I lay on my bed in my dorm room I began to speak to a God that I wasn't quite sure I even believed in. Don't misunderstand me. I wasn't so much praying as I was yelling. In retrospect I realize that this interchange between me and God was a prayer I just didn't know it. I was mad at God and He was going to know it. At that point in my life I didn't know that God already knew it. The grace and mercy that I would be shown during that prayer would be the catalyst for my redemption.
As I cursed God and blamed Him for my lot in life something happened to me, I began to crack. By crack I mean that the rough and tough exterior that I had built around my life began to crumble. The hate and anger that drove my world view was crumbling right before my spiritual eyes. It was at this time that I prayed the prayer tha change my life in a dramatic and powerful way. My prayer went something like this, "God I am not even sure that you are real, but if you are I want you to do somehting with my life".
There! I had said it! That one prayer did something that all prayers are suppose to do. That prayer was the exact example of a repentant heart. It was during that exchange that I told God to "do something with me". I wasn't specific and I wasn't really sure that He was able to hear me, but He did. God answered that prayer and the next day I found myself sittingin the chapel on the other side of the road. I wasn't sure why I was there or even how I had gotten there. Nevertheless, I was there a sinner in the house of God!
It was during that time when I heard a story from a man that change the course of my life forever. It was a story from the chaplain of Galena. His name was Charlie, Charlie the chaplain. During that hour that I sat in the little chapel of Galena when he told a story of peoplewho needed a savior. He spoke of love and grace, compassion and mercy, and peace that passes understanding. He spoke the word of God and it seemed like he was speaking it right to me. I am not sure how many people were attending the service that morning but it might as well been empty save him and me. I felt like God was speaking to me through Charlie. I can remember having a great wave of sadness and sorrow sweeping over me and hearing a father say, "give it to me and lighten your load". At that moment God had chosen a man to share with me a way that I could find peace it my life, a chance to start over, and I took it!
I like to say that the old Derek died that day and in truth he did. Scripture tells us that in Christ we are e new creation, all things are apssed away and, behold, all things are new. It was at that moment in time that God placed me on a new path, and a new journey towards Him.
On our journey home we run into seemingly unbeatable odds. Whether it be physical or spiritual our worldview gets set askew by the lens of life. It is during those times when we have to stop and ask God for clarity. It is during those times that we need to pray for a clear vision of His will for us. On that day I had asked God to "do something with me". Well, He asnwered that prayer. Join me next time when I will share with the great little plan that God had decided to "do".
The saying goes that we need to be careful what we pray for because God just might give it to us. Oh boy did I find that out! Until next time may God bless you and keep you on your journey home!
Thanks Dad for getting me back on track! I love you and Mom!
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