Friday, October 16, 2009



As you might notice I have changed a few things on this page.  I have added a counter so that I can track who is following me on my journey.  I have added a picture of me and Christine under my family.  I hope to share pictures of my family each day.  I have also added a description of this page under the title My Journey Home.

I call this page a spiritual journey of healing and wholeness of Derek Hutchison.  What is "healing and wholeness" really mean.  We throw those terms around the body of Christ with an assumption that we all know what we are taking about.  I'm not sure we do.  I believe that what God considers to be healing and wholeness might be different than what we think it is.  I know it is for me.

After my surgeries I prayed mightily for a healing from God.  I prayed that He would dissolve my cyst and remove my headaches.  I knew that He was a God who listened and, therefore, knew what kind of healing I wanted.  He just wasn't ready to heal me in THAT way!  In fact, God didn't take any of my suggestions on the whole healing process.  Scripture says that "God's ways are not our ways", I found that to be, oh so, true.

I was convinced that the only definition of healing that I wanted dealt with a cyst and some pain.  God, on the other hand, saw a greater healing for me.  Instead of healing of my body He chose a healing of my spirit.  My surgeries had taken me to a place where God and I weren't exactly on speaking terms.  God wanted that changed and so He changed it.

On my journey home I have found that our request of healing and wholeness do not always match God's idea of them.  What I have ound is that heaing can from many things, a person, a touch, a word.  And sometimes being healed means dying.  Not just an physical death but a spiritual one as well.  God knew that the circumstances of life had brought to a spirital low and God knew that to be healed physically meant Ihad to be healed spiritually.  He knew that the renewing of health was inextricably tied to the renewal of my spirit.  And so he waited.  He waited for me to get to a place where I could talk to Him again.  He waited for me to approach Him and seek spiritual renewal.  He knew me better than I knew myself and He knows you that way to.  He wants us to be healed, some physical, some spiritual, some financially.  God desires a healing for His creation.

So, am I totally physically healed?  No!  Am I totally spiritually healed?  Not even close.  But I'm getting closer.  That's why it's a journey.  God might show you many different paths for you to achieve healing but the end result is the same..healing and wholeness.  I know God wants me to be healed some day.  If it's healing from brain surgery that's wonderful..if not, that's alright as well.  I would rather have a helping of spiritual healing than physical healing.  Will it happen, I hope so!  Until then, I walk the road of my journey and you walk yours.  Perhaps we will meet one day on the same road, the road that leads to healing and wholeness through Christ Jesus.  Until then, may the Lord bless you!



1 comment:

  1. Derek, great to see you blogging. I've looked for this from you for a long time now. Signed up as one of your followers.

    You are a great pastor and I admire you so much for all you have been through and the journey you have taken us on as your parishoners.

    God has truly touched you and given you the ability to touch us!
